ethnic groups in upper east region of ghana

The municipality was carved out from the Bolgatanga community, and it was inaugurated on the 15th of March, 2018. The highest concentration is in the Bawku East district where they comprise 3.7 per cent of the population. Areas with clay deposits include Gambibgo, Zanlerigu, Yikini and Kalbeo. The 2000 Annual Report of Regional Health Administration gives the regional and district distribution of hospitals, clinics and health centres. The regions population of 920,089 is not evenly distributed among the six districts. Senior secondary schools however are usually boarding institutions and therefore the number and distances to nearest SSSs are not very critical for accessibility. For example, mud/mud bricks account for over 80.0 per cent of wall materials in all districts. There are thus fewer non-Ghanaians (2.1%) than naturalized Ghanaians, constituted of ECOWAS national (1%), other Africa (0.7%) and non-Africa (0.4%). The proportion ranges from 72.2 per cent in Bolgatanga to 81.1 per cent in Bawku West. In most cases, accessibility is determined more by competition as well as individual students and/or parental choice than by the proximity of the institutions. About one in three households use well water for drinking and 15.2 per cent depend on natural water sources such as the spring, river, stream or rainwater. Bawku West to the East, mother District Talensi to the South, Bongo community to the North, and Bolgatanga community to the West are the areas the community shares boundaries with. The overall level of unemployment is highest in Bongo (26.0%) and Bawku West (27.4%). The proportion of males (93.3%) and that of females (92.2%) never married is about the same. The population is primarily rural (84.3%) and scattered in dispersed settlements. The higher excess of female in the adult age groups within the region compared to the national picture may be due partly to long-term out migration of able bodied men to the southern regions of the country and to a lesser extent due to higher male mortality in ethnic conflicts. The working children are almost entirely in the private informal sector and are either selfemployed without employees (63.1%) or are unpaid family workers (29.8%); about five per cent are employees. For example, the Bimoba comprise 2.8 per cent of the population in the region but have no concentration in any one district. It is not more than 7 per cent in any district. 2). The Regions inter-censal rate is 1.2 percent per annum and is slightly below the national growth rate of 2.5 percent. For example, whereas only 8.9 per cent of households in Kassena-Nankana live in houses roofed with thatch from grass, 78.2 per cent in Bawku West live in houses roofed with thatch from grass. Only 0.6 per cent of localities within the region have a telephone facility, varying from 0.3 per cent in Bolgatanga to 3.8 per cent in Bongo. The private formal sector employs about a fifth (21.2%) of economically active population in the region. This contributes significantly to the low levels of enrolment recorded in most rural areas. The proportion ranges from 18.0 per cent in Builsa to 27.5 per cent in Bawku West. Among the Mole Dagbon, the major sub-groupings are the Namnam (30.5%), Kusasi (22.6%), Nankani- Gurense (9.2%) and Builsa (7.6%). For example, of the households using nine or more sleeping rooms in Bawku West, 58.8 per cent have nine or more members. The proportion that have ever attended school is higher in three districts (Bolgatanga, Kassena-Nankana and Bongo), than the regional average, and substantially lower in the Bawku East and the Bawku West Districts. Erosion is a problem. Kassena-Nankana has an age dependency ratio of 87.8 and a dependent population of 40.5 per cent below 15 years and 6.1 per cent 65 years and above. Culture of the region is projected through the medium of arts, music and dance. The population density of the region is higher than the national average. The low level of literacy in a Ghanaian language in the region may imply that the teaching of Ghanaian languages in schools in the region is not being pursued in a sustainable manner. The median age of household heads is below 50 years with the proportion of headship increasing with age up to 50 years. The Bawku East District has 12.5 per cent of the doctors, 32.2 per cent of the nurses and 26.0 per cent of the para-medical staff. grey pneumatic 12 point socket set. No exploitation of this mineral has been carried out yet. This situation is reinforced by the fact that the population is relatively young, with 41.4 per cent below 15 years; this requires substantial expansion in the local economy to provide employment opportunities, as well as educational and health facilities. The use of open space around the house is higher in the region (15.5 percent) than in the country as a whole (8.6%). The two adjacent regions show similar deviations from the national picture. The reasons for this substantial imbalance may be that one woman dying results in only one male widowed in a monogamous marriage or no widow at all if the man is polygamous. The highest ratio (1:70.7) is in Bongo and the lowest (1:43.4) is in Bawku East. List of Oti Region districts and their capitals in 2021. The Paleozoic Consolidated Sedimentary Rocks, locally referred to as the Voltaian Formation, underlies about 8% of the region. The administrative capital is Tongo, and it is blessed with gold, tomato, rice, shea butter, millet, African Locust Bean (Dawadawa/Sumbala), and honey, among other precious things. Unemployment is slightly higher for males than for females in each district. This regional picture is reflected at the districts level. About 67.0 per cent of localities have a clinic/maternity home within the same distance. The proportion literate in a Ghanaian language varies from 3.5 per cent in the Bawku West, to 11.9 per cent in the Kassena-Nankana, District. The community is also endowed with sorghum, guinea fowl, clay, millet, maize, and tomato, among other things. Also included in this category of interventions are agricultural reform or transformation (research into land tenure systems, land use planning, appropriate technology) and food security issues (production, storage, distribution of food). The main ethnic groups in the region are the Mole-Dagbon, Grusi, Mande-Busanga and Gurma. There are programmes to improve agriculture and food production (extension services, introduction of new varieties of crops). A greater proportion of households in Upper East (70.2%) use protected wells and boreholes as their main sources of drinking water. The regions on the south are the Brong Ahafo and Volta regions. When educational attainment is restricted to the population aged 6 years and over, the proportion in the region which has never attended school is 71.8 percent. It is significant to note that Builsa has hardly any migrants from outside Ghana, Economic and social activities of the district are not the type that attract foreign labour, being almost entirely rural. With a population of 920,089, this results in an average household size of 6.4 persons and an average of 1.6 households per house. Another likely explanation of the substantial imbalance is that men are more likely than women to remarry after the death of a spouse. This is because the upper half is underlain by granites and its subsidiary Birimian metamorphics as compared to the Voltaian mudstones and shales in the southern half of the region. Thus, even the regional capital district (Bolgatanga) does not show much difference from the total regional picture. Drainage is mainly by the White and Red Volta and Sissili Rivers (Regional Coordinating Unit, 2003). . Agriculture, on the other hand, is the occupation of about two in three for the region, compared with one in two for the country. The environmental health problems arising out of inadequate disposal of human waste, most often mixed with animal droppings, need urgent attention and redress. All district capitals have Ghana Telecom landlines, Groundwater conditions are good, ranging from between 60% 80% in some districts. The Ga-Adangbe are organized into clans based on patrilineal descent. Except Bawku East (26.5%) and Builsa (43.2%), the nearest SSS is within 10 kilometres for over 53 per cent of the localities in the districts. Thus put together the proportion of females in the region (19.8%) with primary and middle/JSS is lower than that for males (26.1%). 3.1. There are 2,394 persons in the region who were enumerated outside the home, constituting 3.9 per cent of the national figure as compared to Ashanti Region (19.1%) and Greater Accra Region (27.0%). Gold was mined during the colonial administration around Nangodi, about 24 kms from Bolgatanga on the Bolgatanga- Bawku road. The major industrial activities engaged in by the children are: agricultural related activity, including hunting, forestry and fishing (62.4%), manufacturing (25.2%) and wholesale and retail trade (4.8%). In view of the fact that current publications effectively exclude the proportion literate in Ghanaian language only, greater efforts need to be made to translate very useful reading communication materials as well as publish newspapers in Ghanaian languages. Bawku West (116.1), Bawku East (110.0) and Bongo (107.4) have much greater dependency burdens than the regional average while Builsa (94.3), Kassena-Nankana (87.8) and Bolgatanga (86.6) have lighter loads. Within the Christian religion, the Catholics are in the majority. The situation with toilet facilities is different. Senior secondary schools are the least available, in terms of numbers. There was, thus, a 2.8 percentage point reduction in the rural share of the population between 1984 and 2000 and a further 5.3 percent reduction between 2000 and 2010.[3]. This is reflected in the fact that the sex ratio drops significantly between ages 15-19 and 20-24. The socio-cultural problems that can arise as a result of the ethnic diversity of Bawku East often manifested in the many ethnic conflicts in the district. The three major industrial activities are Agriculture, including Hunting and Forestry, Wholesale and Retail trade, and Manufacturing. In all the districts, agriculture and related workers are the single largest occupation. Pipelines for water systems have been out grown by the population and therefore more extension is required. 31.6 per cent of households use well water for drinking and the remaining households (18.1%) depend on natural and man-made water sources such as spring, river/stream, rain water and dugout to collect rain water. Enhancing rural and urban development through farm settlement schemes and the establishment of small-scale industries, using appropriate technology, is also recommended as an effective programme. Three quarters (74.4%) of the economically active population at the regional level are self-employed without employees. The Ewes are from the Volta region. These proportions are about twice those of the country: 5 per cent (2.1% males and 7.8% females). The major ethnic groups in Upper East fall under the broad categories of Mole Dagbon (74.5%), Grusi (8.5%), Mande-Busanga (6.2%) and Gurma (3.2%). Agona West Municipal. Cultural and social structures Only 2 towns, Garu and Pusiga have grown from rural to urban localities since 1984. Three-quarters (74.5%) of those who have attended school in the region reached only primary or middle/JSS levels. About four-fifths (79.5%) of localities in the region therefore have a primary school within 3 kilometres. For the country, 61.8 per cent of households occupy only one or two rooms, compared to 24.4 per cent in the region. Rice, groundnut, millet, maize, and clay can be found in the municipality. Major Ethnic Groups Of Ghana Akan Ashanti or Asanti are the largest subgroup of the Akan people. As an increasing number of children mature and enter the reproductive years, the number of women in child bearing ages 15-49 years will increase. The Upper Region was later apportioned into Upper East and Upper West in 1983 during the PNDC rule. DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS Bawku West is the least endowed, having only 3.7 per cent of all medical staff, followed by Bongo with 4.2 percent. The districts are autonomous with regard to the planning, budgeting and implementation of projects. Bawku East is the second most attractive destination, accounting for about a quarter (23.9%) of the regions migrant population followed by Kassena-Nankana with 16.0 per cent of the migrants. The majority of the people live in huts built of mud and roofed with straw or zinc. The Upper East region is divided into 15 districts, each headed by a district chief executive. Three out of four working children (74%) are employed in the private informal sector. Other programmes such as educational programmes (provision of schools, teachers bungalows), functional literacy programmes and migration and spatial distribution programmes (creation of growth centres to encourage or discourage people moving to specific towns or villages within the districts) need to be assessed to identify areas of resource constraints and difficulties to full implementation. There were 340,580 more Tibetans in 2000 than in 1990 (Jiang, 2006). There is a great potential in the region for the large-scale production of rice especially in the now onchocerciasis (river blindness) free zone. It is worth noting also that in the region, between 46 and 58 per cent of households with ten or more persons have six or more sleeping rooms. The Niger-Congo languages include the Gur languages, also known as Central Gur or Mabia. Other major towns in the region include Navrongo, Paga, Bawku and Zebilla each headed by a Municipal/District Chief Executive. The region is also known for its handicrafts such as northern kente weaving which is used in making smocks, basket weaving and a locally brewed beer known as Pito. About 36 per cent of households with only one sleeping room are over-crowded compared to 42 per cent in the region. The homeless households constitute 1.0 per cent of the national figure and 0.02 per cent of all households in the region. The head of household is usually a male. The proportion remains the lowest in Bawku West for both males (2.5%) and females (7%) and highest in Bawku East (8.4% males and 14.4% females) and Bolgatanga (7.4% males and 14.5% females). Hardness of water is prevalent in Bawku West and East districts. Below is a list of the Ghanaian people by ethnic origin. 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The fact that grandchildren and other relatives constitute 22.7 per cent of household members supports the view that the traditional extended family household composition has not changed much. Thus, most children have to travel long distances to reach the nearest school. versttning med sammanhang av "Upper Regions" i engelska-svenska frn Reverso Context: Marriage ceremonies among most ethnic groups in the Northern and Upper Regions of Ghana seem to be the same. Completed family size however is not an indicator of current fertility because the births to these women occurred in the past at varying times in a period extending about 25 years. The presence of the minority ethnic groups in the region has socio-culture implications that have a bearing on ethnic instability in the region, especially in Bawku West and Bawku East. The high proportions of the economically active populations of Bongo and Bolgatanga for both males and females may reflect the fact that these two districts produce the bulk of the well-known raffia baskets (Bolga basket) and leather products. Average water consumption was 8.26lcd as against the annual target of 30lcd with an average tariff of GHS4.60. As already indicated, the observed age-sex structure of the region follows, very closely, the pattern at the national level where there are more females than males in almost every age group upwards from age 20 years. The constitution specifies a minimum number of seats for women and minorities in the two houses of parliament. Bawku East has the highest proportion of very large households (40.7%), followed by Bawku West (28.6%); Builsa has the lowest proportion (7.8%) of very large households. The proportion aged 15-29 is highest in Bolgatanga (41.5%), Kassena-Nankana (39.8%) and Builsa (38.1%), while Bongo has the lowest proportion (33.1%). The yield of this aquifer is related to the thickness of the weathered mantle and the nature of the topography. The Upper West Region districts, tribes, languages, cultural activities. The fact that children at these ages are already gainfully employed is a reflection of the extent of child labour in the region. Nadams-Nangodi The climate of the region is relatively dry, with a single rainy season. Three main religious grouping are found in the Upper East Region, namely: Christianity, Islam and the Traditional. About three quarters (72.6%) of all households using five or more sleeping rooms have seven or more members. The fractured zone aquifer is the deepest of the three aquifers. Expenditure/Income ratio was 1.13 as against a target of 0.72%. [7] Each District, Municipal or Metropolitan Assembly, is administered by a Chief Executive, representing the central government but deriving authority from an Assembly headed by a presiding member elected from among the members themselves. Who are the Ghanaian people? UDS (University for Applied Science & Technology), Navrongo. In each district, there are slightly more females than males who are not working because of old age. The Mole-Dagbani ethnic . However, within region of birth categories, there is no consistent pattern of a higher percentage of males or of females. The lowest proportion (26.8%) is in Bawku East where Islam (51.1%) is the predominate religion. In every district, the 15-29 years age group, who are energetic and in the prime of their youth, constitute at least 30 per cent of the economically active population. The urban status of a community is based on population size only. Thatch made from grass (43.1%), corrugated metal (18.2%) and mud/mud bricks (31.3%) are the three main roofing materials in the region. In four of the districts these three contribute to more than 90 per cent of the economically active population. About 62 per cent of the population in the region are currently married, consisting of 58.5 per cent male and 64.5 per cent females. Hardness of the water levels has been reduced by applying the mixing method in the affected Districts. The total number of sleeping rooms used by households and the total number of household members can be used to measure the extent of over crowding. Small households of two persons range from 4.1 per cent in Bawku East to 9.9 per cent in Builsa. Pipe-borne water inside house includes water piped into the living quarters or house through an inside plumbing system. General News . The proportion of households occupying three or four rooms is highest (45.2%) in Builsa and Bongo (44.1%) and lowest (20.4%) in Bawku East. Mud/mud brick is used mostly in Builsa (46.9%) and Kassena-Nankana (54.2%). The major languages of the region are Dagaare, Sissali, Wale and Lobi. Employees constitute only 6.5 per cent and the self-employed with employees make up 2.7 percent. For example 45.8 per cent at the national level attained up to middle/JSS, while at the regional level it is 22.7 percent. Livestock and poultry production are also important. The age structure of the region is reflected in the age structure of each district. A noticeable characteristic amongst Fante people is the distinctive British influence, as a result of colonization, such as Anglophone versions of local names. About 1.0 per cent attained the tertiary level, made up of 1.4 per cent males and 0.8 per cent females. The proportion of localities that has met the Ministrys accessibility policy standard is greater than the regional average in four of the six districts. ENABLE Youth 1D1F and Bongo (shea) are two of the factories located in the community. This number includes persons who were in prison/hospital or in transit on Census night or persons on the street. Three districts, Builsa, Bawku East and Bawku West have occupancy ratios of 1.7 persons per room, while Kassena-Nankana has the highest ratio of 2.0. Four in five (80.3%) communities in the region have access to a clinic or maternity home within 15 kilometres of the locality, with Bongo having the highest of 98.7 per cent and Bawku East the lowest (70.7%). This formation is made up of well consolidated and gently folded rocks with an average dip of about 50 and it is marked by an escarpment. 3. The magnitude of the drop however, differs significantly between districts. The highest proportion of 44.5 per cent is in Bawku West, while the lowest (33.5%) is in Bongo. The highest proportion of households that use a separate kitchen is in Builsa (64.8%), and lowest in Bongo (9.1%). The planning, execution and monitoring of various interventions should adopt the district/community ownership strategies. The regions population density of 104.1 persons per square kilometre is higher than the national density of 79.3 persons per square kilometre and ranks fifth in the country. They are known as Ghanaians. The predominant industrial activities for working children in the district are agricultural activities including hunting, and forestry and fishing (85.5%), wholesale and retail trade (5.8%), private household (4.0%) and manufacturing (1.8%). Family planning IEC programmes to encourage and maintain the involvement of males in family planning, control of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS (training of health workers, IEC on STDs) to provide training and understanding on how population and development are related (training programmes, workshops for district level policy makers and implementers, heads of Government departments, traditional leaders). Spouses constitute 12.2 per cent of household members, slightly less than the proportion of heads of household. The Upper Northern Region has 13 districts with a total of population of 1,046,545. Almost all households in the region (97.5%) have some cooking space within the premises of the housing unit, and 82.8 per cent use a space provided for bathing within the house. For liquid waste disposal, the picture is not any better. The community is blessed with millet, shea butter, maize, and gold, among others. It shares boundaries with Bolgatanga community to the South West, Burkina Faso to the North, Nabdam district to the South East, and Kassena-Nankana East community to the West. A high proportion of the households in each district, ranging from 81.6 per cent in the Bolgatanga, to 93.4 per cent in the Bawku West, District, live in dwellings owned by a relative. In Bolgatanga, there are 8 government, 3 religious organisation and 3 private clinics while 4 of the 10 clinics in Bawku West are government-owned and 3 are for religious organisations. A clinic/maternity home within the same distance the PNDC rule religion, Catholics... About 8 % of the region is projected through the medium of,. The least available, in terms of numbers a minimum number of seats for women and in... Yikini and Kalbeo thus, even the regional average in four of the average. Social structures only 2 towns, Garu and Pusiga have grown from to... 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ethnic groups in upper east region of ghana