elementor featured image not showing

This means that youve turned off a setting on your dashboard to reveal the Featured Images column. That isnt cool because the featured image is a PRO element. Once youre happy with how it looks, click the save button. Alternatively, you may find yourself in the older version of the WordPress editor. Theres no reason to go into troubleshooting mode if your featured images and post content all come up fine on Facebook when the post gets shared. It shows up fine in the editor, but when viewed on site the featured images in the thumbnails are utterly gone. Again, in this tutorial, we named the page Homepage, but you may have something different. Spinner: Choose to display a loading spinner by ticking the icons Button Text: Enter the text you wish to display on the button Alignment: Choose the alignment options by selecting the icon Icon: Choose an Icon for your button from the library or upload your own Icon Spacing: Use the slider or enter a value in the field The most important piece of image metadata is its Alt Text, which can be found by opening your featured image in the Media Library. Its also possible to generate featured images based on post authors, tags, and post types. While you can upload a new file to replace one of the two identical pictures, displaying both the post thumbnail image and cover image for each post can overwhelm your post lists, harming the user experience. Select the General tab and locate the Description Settings section. After that, click on the Save Changes button and test to see if Facebook sharing allows the featured image to appear. The new cover shows up in the editor preview, and you can also edit the blocks settings on the right-hand panel. By entering your email, you agree to ourTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. Before you can use a featured image on your website, you must first enable it. To start, install and activate the Open Graph and Twitter Card Tags plugin on your WordPress site. It also features a responsive mode that allows your . There are two solutions to this. If its not there, click the Screen Options tab and mark the Featured Image checkbox to reveal it in the editor. Giving it a new position within the template will also tell WordPress that it should render somewhere else on the frontend. Note: If you click Featured Image, a window will pop up to allow you to choose a Fallback Image in the event that a Featured Image does not exist. If you want to display the featured image on individual views, you must remove the checkmark from the Display featured image in post lists only, hide on singular views section. When I create the post I put there a Featured Image FIFU, but I dont know how to make it show in Elementor. It also presents some of the best WordPress plugins for image optimization. This method requires modifying either your .htaccess or wp-config.php file. Next up, click on the Facebook Open Graph tab. It doesnt matter if are a beginner, or a professional. Another way is to use a Button widget and choose the image option in the widget settings. That means you cant simply take any photo and expect it to look great as a featured image. Furthermore, an engaging story isnt complete without the introduction, and thats exactly the purpose of a featured image. Your hosting provider generally sets this value, so it may vary. Switching it to Large or Medium adjusts the sizing of all featured images in the block and adds more of a landscape view depending on your featured images dimensions. Each social network has its own display for shared content, but Facebook is a solid starting point considering its the most popular one. Although there are limited simple solutions to remove suspicious coding, your best bet is to stick with photos you either purchase legally or take your own photos instead of pulling directly from Google (which is technically illegal anyway) or finding images from sketchy websites. Talk with our experts by launching a chat in the MyKinsta dashboard. All of these come into play when highlighting your recent posts and ensuring they look presentable while also displaying your featured images. Click on the Cover block to insert it into your post or page. You can type in custom width and height, or decide on a percentage, so that the tool automatically changes the size of all featured images based on the percentage given. March 16, 2022 by admin. The featured image may not be in the right place inside the page or post template. This code snippet is a reference to your featured image. To begin, install and activate the OG plugin on your WordPress site. Not only that, but its essential to realize that featured images display differently when compared to a regular photo uploaded to a post or page. The good news is that WordPress blocking an image because of this reason means that WordPress has done its job! 2023 Kinsta Inc. All rights reserved. To customize your homepage, you should select from a collection of background colors and fonts. Both cover and featured images function in similar ways, providing large photos at the top of posts and pages, yet they have some differences. After turning off the lazy loading feature in these plugins, clear the cache and see whether that resolves the featured image issue. Activating Open Graph on your WordPress site is pivotal in showing your featured images on platforms like Facebook. I agree Pedro, I have never liked working Gutenberg editor, It has a way of messing things up. If thats the case for you, youll have to consult with the plugins developer. Because the default image dimensions are not always appropriate for featured images, you can manually adjust the default image sizes. First, check to make sure that you have selected a featured image for your post or page. This is the feature youll require if you want to edit existing code, but dont have HTML expertise. Not all themes have the same featured image settings. This plugin allows WordPress users to create and edit their websites through a drag and drop interface. Because of this, pasting and Debugging the URL in the Sharing Debugger Tool from Facebook could actually solve your problems altogether. These are the general settings for all social media sharing, making sure Facebook and Twitter dont randomly select photos from your article or other places on your website. To fix the situation, find and click on the Screen Options tab in the dashboards upper right-hand corner. A blank space will appear if you havent assigned a featured image to the post in question or set up a default featured image. When your featured image has been enabled, you must upload it. Its separate from the main content. In this module, you can select multiple images from your Media Library. An image optimization plugin does much of the work for you, ensuring that your featured images actually show up and dont slow down your website. It allows you to swap out several previously listed uploaded featured images, making all of them the same image. If not, how do you go about fixing that problem? I have tried to play around with the settings and can not seem to find out what the reason is and how to solve it. Step 1 - Elementor -> Tools -> Replace URL -> http://localhost/ -> https://wwlandscaping.com -> Replace URL Step 2 - Elementor -> Tools -> General -> Regenerate CSS -> Regenerate Files & Sync Library -> Sync Library Step 3 - go to page and click edit page from elementor. When using the Dynamic Posts Widget in elementor pro (featured image is selected), no image is showing up. ThemeWaves founded since 2013 April and it has focusing only Wordpress Themes and providing comprehensive information about web design & development. This page builder by Elementor uses LESS CSS preprocessor. Edit the functions.php File of Your Theme, How to Fix Duplicate WordPress Featured Images, How to Fix a WordPress Featured Image Not Showing up the Right Size, Picking the Right Pictures as Featured Images, How to Change the Default Image Sizes in WordPress, How to Make Your Featured Images SEO-Friendly, How to Ensure Featured Images Always Show Up on WordPress, inspecting elements using the browsers developer tools, How to Use jQuery in WordPress: 2 Methods (Manually and Using a Plugin), Top 7 WordPress Accessibility Plugins Every Website Should Be Using in 2022, How to Add Page to a Navigation Menu in WordPress: 2 Effective Methods. A featured image is a useful WordPress feature that adds visual value to your WordPress site and attracts visitors. Clean and Optimized Code. Support Plugin: Featured Image from URL (FIFU) Elementor show featured image. Scaling a photo up is a big no-no. If you find a photo that you really love, reach out to the photographer or artist and ask if you can use their work on your website. You can reach out to your current hosting provider and ask them to expand the PHP limit. Pick the user role you want to modify from the dropdown menu. Some plugins offer the option to exclude certain pictures from this feature, allowing you to benefit from their other features without affecting your featured images. Most WordPress themes have different featured image settings. Certain images can be excluded from this feature in some plugins, allowing you to reap the benefits of their other features without affecting the appearance of your featured images. As its purpose is to market your content, a featured image is generally visible on your blog post list or archive page and when you share your WordPress post on social media. Going with the Media Library reveals whatever images youve already uploaded to WordPress. For instance, you could add new product page templates or product slider using an elementor widget on Facebook. Click the Edit Image link to proceed with the edit. These are the general Media settings for your entire WordPress website. The only time youll find that its okay to share an image on your website for free is when you pull from a website like Pexels or Unsplash. Check the Featured image option to display a featured image column in your post and page lists. Were most interested in the bulk editing tool for this tutorial. Therefore, you may have to use custom code to customize the featured images appearance. If the featured image is still not appearing, try checking the settings in the Elementor editor. Some of the most common causes of a featured images appearance being affected include incorrect sizing and the use of optimized photos. Another way is to use a Button widget and choose the image option in the widget settings. Featured images are wonderful, but you may find that youre unable to see a featured image for a post or page for one reason or another. Quick google search says that there may be a jetpack conflict, but my jetpack settings that were referred to weren't on. Find the Add Open Graph Meta Data switch and make sure its set to Enabled. Featured images dont show up as thumbnails in your lists of posts and pages on the dashboard. This is particularly important if youre highlighting your recent posts on the homepage. Finally, you also have the option to visit theDevelopers Debug Tool on Facebook. Its important to test out how the Default Featured Image works on your site. Lets start with the simplest of solutions, making sure youre uploading your featured images properly. Its more common to see something with specifics, like a message that tells you an image or video Exceeds the Maximum Upload Size For This Site.. Because of its great performance, and its open source nature, a lot of developers like to use Elementor. The Quick Featured Images plugin handles bulk editing for featured images along with a myriad of other functionalities, like adding a default featured image for all posts or setting presets for default featured images. If it hasnt been set to the maximum upload size yet, that might be whats preventing you from uploading images. The key to fixing this issue is ensuring your user roles and permissions are all set properly. Check this box so that the featured image from a WordPress post or page gets populated upon sharing to Facebook. The presence of a featured image on your WordPress site also increases visual interest in your posts, helping you optimize your search engine results. The featured image also appears in the embeds when a post or page is shared on social media sites. Larger images get compressed and lose quality, while smaller images get stretched out and end up looking terribly blurred. Many blind people are using the internet through screen readers. Elementor Featured Image Not Showing In Facebook . We covered the Open Graph essentials in the section above. Think about using the built-in image editing tools in WordPress for featured images that are already uploaded but could use some changes. Plenty of user role plugins allow you to alter the capabilities of default user roles. For simplicity, well stick to uploading featured images to regular WordPress posts and pages but if youre interested in learning more, heres a complete WooCommerce SEO guide that covers this & everything else, including Schema Markup up for your products and more. Essentially, this plugin suits those struggling to decide which featured image to use, or when one featured image makes sense at the beginning of the article, but another one looks better in a sidebar. Here, select the Facebook tab. All other image editing tools are located above the featured image preview. If your featured image is the wrong size, you can try regenerating your thumbnails. featured images are frequently blocked by plugins that treat them as if they were any other image on your site. It is then presented as the primary image for that website item whenever the article gets shared on social media and other sites. We will provide seven solutions to fix this error and the ways to show it automatically on WordPress posts. Con The basic Elementor WordPress theme creator doesnt allow the installation of third-party plug-ins and widgets. Very great plugin. Hence, your primary image must work properly. Open the post or page in the editor. It uses a widget and shortcode, both of which ask which of the featured images youd like to display whenever implementing one of the tools. It should have a Front Page label next to it. Rather, quickly explain whats in the picture and potentially add the keyword to boost your rankings. After all, its difficult to shrink, resize, and crop every image manually you plan to upload. As an alternative, its often a better idea to leave the Crop Thumbnail box unchecked, so the Thumbnail dimensions are used as more of a guideline. The wrong featured image is showing up on Facebook. It is also possible to add widgets to your site with the plugin. Here are the steps to grant featured image viewing and uploading permissions to a specific user role using the User Role Editor plugin: You can also use the plugin to create new custom roles with permissions of your choice. The following are some of the most common reasons why your featured image will not appear on WordPress. Hey! This is still common for many pages, or you may have rolled back the Gutenberg editor to use the old editor instead. This turns on the featured images for all the latest posts being pulled. Some of WordPress built-in image editing features include: The Crop tool is usually the most important, so click on that to activate the edit module. If youre sure youve assigned a featured image to your post, but its still not showing up, it could be that your theme is not configured to display featured images. After all, a post shared on Facebook with no image wont gain much traction. The good news is that there are no setup costs or hidden charges to worry about. Themes and plugins are some of the more common reasons featured images fail or get blocked. You have the option to crop the featured image thumbnail to the exact dimensions. A theme or plugin usually defines it. Choose Preferences from the bottom of the menu that appears. One way is to use an Image widget and add a link to the image in the widget settings. To move forward and see the featured image in action, click the Publish button. Remove any faulty plugins from your WordPress site if there are any. For example, you may rather have one featured image appear in the sidebar, but a different one shows up when the post is in a list on your homepage. One way is to use an Image widget and add a link to the image in the widget settings. Make sure to get this agreement in writing (email works too). Its purpose is to grab attention and provide a sneak peek of the content. Check out our features. Follow these rules to ensure your featured images are legal: Its one thing to ensure all featured images are relevant to the posts theyre attached to. Thats how it should be if you want the functionality of a featured image with no duplication! Learn how to fix it once and for all Click to Tweet. To change the featured images location, cut this piece of code and paste it somewhere else in the page/post template. This allows you to paste in up to 50 URLs and run the tool so that Facebook scraps their metadata properly again. Problems with featured images stem from various problems. The theme is not coded well, or the developer has removed the default featured image functionality on purposemainly because they have other settings to control the featured image. As a quick reminder, you can turn any WordPress page into the homepage by going to Settings > Reading in the dashboard. Many image optimization plugins offer lazy loading functionality as an add-on. It greatly benefits the website by turning what could very well be a dull website into something beautiful. The featured image is prone to human error, considering the page or post author must manually upload a featured image whenever creating a new webpage. You can go to Post > All Posts to review your list of articles. Incorrect WordPress dashboard settings can cause featured images not to show up in your post and page lists and the WordPress editor. Kinsta and WordPress are registered trademarks. One of the more frustrating problems with WordPress featured images not showing involves the dashboard settings. However, we usually recommend clicking the Select Image button, as that provides a few extra choices for deciding on a source for the featured image. I`m having the same problem as already described here, even after the 3.9.7 update. To check this, you can contact the theme developer or try switching to a different theme. body a.novashare-ctt{display:block;background:#00abf0;margin:30px auto;padding:20px 20px 20px 15px;color:#fff;text-decoration:none!important;box-shadow:none!important;-webkit-box-shadow:none!important;-moz-box-shadow:none!important;border:none;border-left:5px solid #00abf0}body a.novashare-ctt:hover{color:#fff;border-left:5px solid #008cc4}body a.novashare-ctt:visited{color:#fff}body a.novashare-ctt *{pointer-events:none}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-tweet{display:block;font-size:18px;line-height:27px;margin-bottom:10px}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-container{display:block;overflow:hidden}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta{float:right}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-cta-left .novashare-ctt-cta{float:left}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-text{font-size:16px;line-height:16px;vertical-align:middle}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-icon{margin-left:10px;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle}body a.novashare-ctt .novashare-ctt-cta-icon svg{vertical-align:middle;height:18px}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple{background:0 0;padding:10px 0 10px 20px;color:inherit}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt{background:#f9f9f9;padding:20px;color:#404040}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt:hover,body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple:hover{border-left:5px solid #008cc4}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple .novashare-ctt-cta,body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt .novashare-ctt-cta{color:#00abf0}body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple-alt:hover .novashare-ctt-cta,body a.novashare-ctt.novashare-ctt-simple:hover .novashare-ctt-cta{color:#008cc4}WordPress featured images not showing properly on your site? You can search for the Cover block or scroll through the library to find it. As a good rule of thumb: If you didnt take the photo yourself or pay for rights, you might not be able to use it. If you find yourself in this situation, we recommend returning to the Facebook Sharing Debugger Tool and clicking on the Batch Invalidator option. Furthermore, because the regular WordPress editor is used. The the_post_thumbnail(); function may lie before the page title or after the contentthat depends on your page and theme configuration. At some point, you may realize that several old posts could use new featured images. Sometimes, featured images for pages are completely blocked. The solution to this problem is to remove either the post thumbnail image or the image block from the content. Unfortunately, you discover that the featured image doesnt look quite as nice as you had hoped it would. That said, you might forget to set up a featured image. Upload multiple photo sizes on a test post and mark down the dimensions of each one. Click the Remove Block option at the very end of the list. Instead, it detects the posts that lack featured images and sets a default featured image for them. If a featured image isnt assigned to a post, it will show a blank space in its block instead. Next, you need to click on the "Set featured image" button. The first is OG, which comes in handy for adding the Open Graph protocol to turn any webpage into rich objects for social media. 3 image styles for featured images to show up 9. Select the first two checkboxes to grab the Open Graph image, while the other is for using the page or post featured image. You can do this by simply asking the theme developer, reading the documentation, or going to the functions.php file. Simply click on the Add Media button in the content editor and upload your desired image. Fill in the title, write paragraphs, and upload images to the article. Thats because having four columns will require having much more space (and smaller images) than a block with two or three columns. As a result, I am unable to show the featured image from the URL or other image that is external. If the featured images now work, one of your plugins was the issue. An easy way to see if the Open Graph code is activated on your site is by utilizing an SEO plugin. This brings up the Media Library, from where you can choose an image to serve as your Default Featured Image. This should get you closer to the optimal featured image size for your theme. Its also common to see varying degrees of featured image problems. The Featured Image Settings are towards the bottom. We recommend checking out our article on inspecting elements using the browsers developer tools if youre using Chrome. One way to get in serious trouble with your images is by using photos and graphics you randomly find online. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get the most out of your WordPress website with fully managed and WordPress-optimized web hosting. We have an excellent guide on optimizing your WordPress images. The theme doesnt allow for featured images, or you have to turn them on through the theme settings. You never know when a human error may result in a featured image not being uploaded to your website. Under the Post tab, under Featured images, click Set featured image. Be sure to Save the settings after youre done. Showing a gallery or list of your recent blog posts is done by adding a Gutenberg block element to the page designated as the WordPress Homepage. Once activated, go to Settings > Featured Images In RSS Feeds to change the settings of the plugin. The built-in editor for this popular CMS has a variety of blocks and templates. In this tutorial, we have a page called Homepage. Yours may have a different name depending on what youve named it. Thats a sure-fire way to eliminating legal problems. You will see your site's live preview with a bunch of options on the left pane. Its getting placed on a digital medium where the photos resolution doesnt necessarily have to be print-worthy to look good. All selected images appear as thumbnail previews in the plugins dashboard. Overall, if youre editing an image, like a cover or a standard media item, youre not using a featured image in the WordPress post or page editors. Learn how to fix it once and for all , Featured images matter. We recommend taking a look at his guide to walk you through those steps in detail. The Large Size often dictates the featured image dimensions when shown at the top of a post or page. For this example, weve set the, Enter the new dimensions for your featured images in the. Lets take a look at the basic differences between cover and featured images. For free, a fee, or with attribution. Review the plugins documentation or contact its support team for assistance. Astragalus It is another excellent illustration of an open source CMS. Find and select the triple-dot icon () in the far right corner of the dashboard. Find and click on the add Media button in the picture and potentially add keyword. Card tags plugin on your site to alter the capabilities of default user roles and permissions are all properly. Card tags plugin on your page and theme configuration to this problem is to grab Open! Images that are already uploaded but could use some Changes it automatically WordPress. Will show a blank space will appear if you want to modify from the bottom of the dashboard settings cause. 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elementor featured image not showing