rife machine testimonials

But I knew how well the Rife machine worked. This RIFE machine will do a lot more than any doctor, faster, cheaper and no pain. A Prayer Answered: I just wanted to send you a big thank you..and let others who are dealing with this awful disease know there is hope! I did one treatment a week for maintenance. Cancer, Pain, Inflammation, Arthritis, Bursitis, Sacro-iliac Pain, Back Strain, Back Surgery: Following is a summary of events regarding my Rife Model 101 Rife Machine. I feel blessed to be able to respond effectively when friends and neighbors are in need. - S. Irving. A little word on my Rife 101 Frequency machine. My decision was to try alternatives other than chemo therapy and surgery. - D. Hoyt, FL (8-2-17), You give great customer service, TinaThanks - L. Israel, FL (7/2/19), Tina Rappaport, I just want to mention - if I haven't already - how impressed I am, not just with the Rife 101 itself but your entire presentation; the whole package. It always works. Bunion, Influenza, Type II Diabetes & Asthma: My husband and I have been extremely well pleased with the Rife 101 Frequency Machine, having used it for several different ailments. R. Mickey (NW, 2005). (1995). She's left only with scar tissue on her bones in her pelvis and lower back. She is doing so well, and I am so happy to finally see evidence of something that makes a difference for her, as we have tried so many other approaches and nothing else seemed to help. multiple sclerosis, bone, Epstein-Barr Virus, Parkinson's, tremors, appendix, skin, hangover, etc. "Remarkable turnaround", the doctors said.none the wiser. I have a family of 5 and someone is always using it! He was given three months to live and now he's been alive for 8 months. Rife machines havent gone through the same rigorous testing procedures other cancer treatments have. I use it all the time for Inflammation, you know it's at the root of so many things. She visited me with a real nasty one on her lip. The doc did a bunch of tests, even though I don't have faith in it all, and when I had my last blood test it showed, I work in a clinic with 16 people. Her hands and feet were shaking and she couldn't move properly and she couldn't even get up and walk. He died. Although she had not used the Rife101 machine specifically for the herpes problem, she reported that as a side effect of the treatment the herpes had disappeared and she has not had a recurrence over the past 8 months. They are great friends and the best dogs ever! I went and ordered my own machine so I can continue their care. Nothing worked. Blood sugar levels were monitored over one week and found to be always normal. I'm 71 and after just about 4 treatments, I was playing 18 holes of golf again and even started doing aerobics. Radionics relies on the belief that elements in the body give off electrical impulses with different frequencies. The Rife 101 helped him so much, that he got his license again AND a new car! One study found that they prevented some cancerous cells from growing without affecting normal cells. Today I did program #109 (the other half of the Custom Comprehensive Program for Anxiety) , starting at 4.5 and almost ending at 10 intensity. Normally $950. I had migraines so bad it put tears in my eyes. Two methods of use: TENS pads & scalar technology quantum wireless. I had sat next to a gentleman at a Brain Injury conference in Oregon where we were both panelists. These custom bulbs are very expensive to manufacture, but integral for desired outcomes. After that I looked up my problem and it turned out to be a bacterial infection that manifests itself in the optic nerve! I've seen all kinds of crazy cancers and I've had some success with the Rife 101 Energy System helping guys with blood cancers. I continued using the frequency machine until I went to see my urologist just before we left home for the summer and my PSA was down to 7.3. It was a good idea, but the writer needs to know more about electronics, and making schematic diagrams. It definitely is my "miracle machine". I feel sure that the machine is working for me. Two of them, a chiropractor and a naturopath, had frequency generators. Could it be that quick? While the authors only found two human studies into the use of this technology, they concluded that these studies suggest that electromagnetic frequency therapy is safe, and results are promising. John R (NW, 6-2015), My mom and I purchased one for our grandson and nephew respectively. He has practiced anesthesia for over 25 years. That made a huge difference. I have used the Alignment Frequencies and the Stress reduction Frequencies. Our Belgian Malinois, 15 years old named Gator, had cancer all in his intestines and on his inner thighs. Carcinoma, Cancer of Liver, Lymph Nodes & Lung Cancer, Pain: Although drinking plenty of pure water, I experienced major detox problems. But when it comes to food poisoning, like salmonella, you actually feel it work within 10 minutes or so of the routine. A friend let me borrow her Rife 101 unit to see if it would help. Pain, Fibromyalgia, Asthma, Migraine Headaches, Eczema, Bruise (Hematoma), Heart Trouble, High Blood Pressure: My wife has been chronically ill for 36 years, using numerous pharmaceutical drugs continuously. I had to get up several times a night to urinate. It was more sensitive before Rife treatment, almost continuously from when the pins were established for crown installation. There have been some reports of electrical shocks and rashes. While forever grateful to modern medicine, doctors, friends, etc, I believe the problem could have been prevented by Rife's research. Eyes, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Eye Glasses & Asthma: I got the Rife Model 101 machine to help with my eyes and lungs. Then I decided to go to where he lived about 5 hours away and literally pick him up and take him there myself. I was so pleasedI'm sure it helps get rid of inflammation in the joints but it also must have gotten rid of swollen and inflamed sinuses that I wasn't even aware were bothering me! The cancer went away and his doctors were astonished - they couldn't find a trace of it. The rife machine is designed to tune into your body and listen for abnormally low frequencies. It spread beyond the breast. Thanks Nick. Just as suspected, my levels are low all day long except for noon which is borderline. For pain management the Rife 101 has been great - he was seeing the chiropractor once a week and after 2 or 3 weeks using the Rife 101 he hasn't needed to go back in 5 months now! The machine wiped out the pain! It's been about a week now and I've continued to run the Prostate program about 7x along with the Inflammation program 4x. Save $191! There is a DVD on how to use it, but I rarely use DVDs because they are difficult for me to see. I thank God every day that I had the good fortune to meet someone who could help show me the way to better health. He said he hadn't had any feeling whatsoever in that hand for years!! I started using the setting for Glaucoma every chance I could sit down and use the Rife 101. GOD BLESS YOU, DEAR SWEET LADY! Multiple Sclerosis, MS, Pain, Colds, Headaches, Asthma: I couldn't be more delighted in the Rife 101 and the investment I made for my health! The first use of apricot seeds as a cancer treatment in the United States dates back to the 1920s. Spastic Dystonia - Paralysis & Dysfunction of the Vocal Chords: Several years ago, something shocking happened and it left me speechless! But, most of these treatments havent been studied. I use it when I go to sleep at night and also during the day when I am working at the computer for long periods of time. I would wake up with my mind racing 4-5 time a night with BAD insomnia. It only hurts exactly on the spot, not further up near my elbow, nor when I use my hand and fingers. Initially I was so drugged out that I couldn't comprehend much of anything. We received the new Rife 101 and want to thank you for your diligence and concern. Skype: clean.energy2013 Email: support@spooky2-mall.com Tel: +86 25 57037030. Manufacturers have also sold these devices under a wide variety of brand names over the years. I feel very strongly that the little machine is in there doing its job and has kept me feeling good thru these treatments, with no ill effects. - Dustin, I'm in my late 80s and things don't usually get stronger at this age, they just decline. After the first session with the Rife 101, the shaking stopped. The wound was no longer deteriorating, there was no more pain and the swelling was totally gone. In my little corner of the world. Many websites are claiming the Rife machine can cure cancer. George Alexopoulos Hi Dr Peter, This is George from Greece. He was on six different medications and would not take any vitamins or supplements. There are a few Rife Machine manufacturers that advertise "Over a million healing frequencies". All your information and the manual makes it so easy and clear. I show these photos to people all the time. Her blood oxygen levels were dropping and she was going downhill fast. I also have high lead and arsenic levels along with digestion problems, parasites and probably Lyme DiseaseI borrowed my sister's Rife 101 machine, and I had such good results that I ordered my own. It's the Rife 101!! And I use it for Eye Problems too. Early treatment of most types of cancer can significantly improve a persons outlook. I got the Rife machine about 4 weeks ago and I've been using the Custom Comprehensive Cancer program that was programmed in specially, followed by the Detoxification program, alternating days with running the Infections + Detox program. At $2,000 per session this became a big financial burden, so after a few sessions spread over a year I had to stop taking the shots and tried to live with my disability. Recent MRI showed arthritis so I ran the arthritis program on her last night and she had remarkable relief.none of the pain meds did that. - KM, NY 5-17-18, I was borrowing my friend's Rife 101, but now I've bought my own! God's Blessings, Jan J. I told him that he was just good and left it at that. Not even the high-alkaline ionized water. - R and L Phillips, Ecuador (2-3-16), My daughter's mother-in-law (67 years old) had a stroke and her left arm was paralyzed. The test results showed it is a 4.82 and the Doctor said if it is 5 or lower it is normal. Anyway, I've been running programs for adrenals, inflammation, candida and then finally detoxification. Research is still in the early stages. The doctor diagnosed that she had only a few weeks to live. This Rife 101 machine allowed me to walk again and use my hands! After 2 and weeks of daily use of the Rife frequency machine, my energy returned back to normal and most of the symptoms had disappeared. He said he didn't know, but he REALLY didn't want to go the chemo route. I have new hope and am getting better every day. T&R Laury, MN (12-31-20), I hit the side of my wrist (with my metal wristwatch band) so hard on the stainless steel oven handle, that I dented the handle. It has given me such peace of mind with 3 small cancer scares. - Rich S, CA (1-13-16). Home. The Rife101 takes away the cough and hes fine for the day. After explaining everything about Rife, the history of his persecution and how his frequencies worked in curing diseases and conditionsit all sounded so great, but then he gave me the best news of all. - M. Sharon, AZ 7-14-17. This device, invented nearly a century ago, emits low-energy electromagnetic waves. MV, PA (9-25-19). Thanks again, John & Stacey. This particular problem is (according to Dr. McClure NIHA bio dentist) on the inside of the tooth with toxins leaking out. This combination of your machine & Metalfree works really well for me. But, Cancer Research UK notes there have been accounts of shocks and skin rashes associated with Rife machines. Liver Cancer, Lupus, Prostate, Thyroid (Hashimoto's Disease): I'm writing to say how very happy we are with our Rife machine! A new class of rife frequency device system with onboard computer, proprietary firmware and software is compatible with both MAC and PC computers. WebRife Machine Success Stories and Testimonials Share this: Spooky2 Success Story - Hannah: Cancer Could Not be Found After My Father Used the Spooky2 Rife Machine for 3 Months. It was so aggressive, the doctors said they could not cure her, they could only prolong her life about 6-18 months. Just a small sore spot, no pain. He was a mental health counselor and Rife practitioner. It really should be called the miracle machine. I have optic nerve damage, a cataract and droozen, which are yellow spots on the retina. Thank you so much for sending this machine to me. He does look much better now but needs to order his own machine. top of page. Cold Sores, Warts, Infection, Flu, Fever, Colds, Burns, Prostate + MORE: I have to admit that the Rife 101 machine is the bestI've owned it for over 15 months now! It's been a godsend, I'm so happy! My body now seems tuned to the machine and I am now treating every 2 days and drinking plenty of water. I also use the machine for whatever may ail me; colds, flu, painyou name it I use the machine for it. I can feel the bacteria leaving my body. My neck was stiff and swollen and it affected my whole head and ears. It was like it unblocked something in my head. Used the Rife 101 machine and it cleared it up in ONE session. Others in my dinner party were in misery for 2 days. We need another one! Had a new restaurant open near us and put out lots of smoke right at us. Makes the Rife 101 machine more valuable to me. I have been using program #314 (Lyme). She suggested the inflammation, circulation, nerve disorders, numbness/muscles and paralysis programs may be of help. I put it on my calf muscles when they get sore, too. To demonstrate that a device is capable of measuring something, it is necessary to validate its accuracy and consistency with repeated tests. She felt that she could share with me as we had much in common regarding our outlook on medicine and health. I had an operation on one of my eyes, that involved inserting two needles into the eye ball. Some people use Rife machines because they believe cancer is caused by bacteria and viruses. It's very painful. The pain went away, and the infection was healing. I got my Rife machine ahead of schedule. Additional 5 settings for you to enter your own desired therapy. His general physician said all blood tests were negative, dermatologist said it's an auto-immune disorder that causes alopecia. I have no problems with this machine now! Thank you so much. Save $191! My teeth are otherwise in very good shape (attested to by dentist). At that point the lymph and bone tumors had shrunk and the doctors were amazed, although her liver tumor was larger. Chest Pain, Infection, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Lou Gehrig's Disease), Colds, Flu, Immune System: About 5 years ago I suddenly had trouble breathing and the pain in my chest was horrible. In two weeks, still asymptomatic, she was given a follow-up treatment just to be sure. I only had the two small spots and they never even really blistered. He said that normally within 30 seconds his lip would swell up. No longer have any sensitivity to the touch. I can see how much careful attention went into engineering this unit to be user-friendly for the average person. - Dawn R., FL, I have been having good results with the Rife Frequency Machine, and I have been using it on my neighbor for carpel tunnel syndrome and she is just about well! Then he used Spooky2 Plasma in a week to heal his legs successfully. - K. Hardy, CO (3-28-19). I am truly grateful to be able to help her in this way. Rife's work deserves serious review by open-minded scientists and researchers. Blood Cancer, Leukemia, High White Blood Count, Pneumonia: I'm 91 years old, and in January they found cancer of the bone - leukemia. I am making headway. I decided to try it not thinking it would do any good at all. I don't know how it does it, but it fixes everything! Dad started running the Rife101 and the discoloration and infection cleared up quickly and now hes bearing weight on it! WebRIFE MACHINE BLOG -Testimonials: Welcome! I was run over by a car when I was a little girl and I have back and sciatica trouble. After six years of suffering and being put off by multitudes of doctors, I am on the way to health. I was in a serious car accident and sustained multiple head injuries which resulted in a seizure disorder, Todd's Paralysis Syndrome and also Fibromyalgia. Now, four months after surgery, I have great flexibility and a nice neat scar and no swelling, but with a depressed immune system. I had a friend in the house with your Rife machine who put it on my back choosing the program for "Pain" auto frequency sequence. I'm a multiple stroke survivor, I have 4 stents in my heart and a clogged artery in my head. I went to the eye doctor Dec. 23, about three months after starting on the Rife machine. I now realize that I've been under using my machine out of fear of over reactionsso sometimes the results are great, but sometimes not so great. My boss had recently undergone knee surgery, and recommended his doctor very highly. There were thousands of MCL stalactites in his colon. Thanks to you, Tina Rappaport, for providing us the latter. Questionable methods of cancer management: Electronic devices. When I was 14 years old my parents took me to a doctor who used frequencies to heal me and I believe it was a Rife machine. Sit down and use the Rife 101 unit to see bearing weight on it at... Suspected, my mom and i 've continued to run the Prostate program about 7x along with the 101... Attention went into engineering this unit to see system with onboard computer, proprietary and... Unit to be always normal shocking happened and it cleared it up in one session my own.. Blessings, Jan J. i told him that he was on six different medications and would not any! Mind with 3 small cancer scares MCL stalactites in his colon work within 10 minutes so... 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rife machine testimonials