whitney eastenders boyfriends

Whitney's barrister, Vivien Easley QC gives Bianca five minutes to talk Whitney round. Whitney thinks Ryan may also be dead until he appears. She is later brought to the police station. When Ryan returns from a holiday, he learns of Whitney's ordeal and urges her to go to the police and get tested for sexually transmitted infections. She was described as "a teenage drama queen, unable to engage brain before mouth and constantly finding herself in and out of trouble". Whitney then goes to see Tyler but finds him kissing Lucy. Ryan Malloy is the son of Debra Dean, brother of Whitney and biological father of Lily Slater. Ryan's young daughter Lily comes to live in Walford when her mother Stacey Slater is sent to prison. Whitney then goes to the prison to visit Tony but is told that he has committed suicide. She later steals Vincent Hubbard's (Richard Blackwood) credit card to pay for a dog pen for Lady Di (Hot Lips), as the Carters cannot afford it due to their debts. He also asks her to sell some stolen jewellery for him and she agrees. "[5], The idea that McGarty play a child groomed for sex was put to the actress on 9 January 2008. She tells him she has told the police everything about Rob, including Ryan's fight with him, and Ryan tells Whitney he has to leave. While everyone is having drinks at the Vic, Gray arrives and announced that Michaela has been arrested. Grandmothers He finds her in her hotel room and tells her how much he loves her, but when Fatboy (Ricky Norwood) comes in, Rob attacks him, so Whitney tells him to leave. On the day of the wedding, Lee goes missing and Whitney and Mick find him drunk at the park. Whitney is beginning to pass her sell-by date with him. Whitney realizes that she must have known about Tony and that was why she broke things off. Whitney runs off, thinking Todd wanted to have sex with her. They kiss and she tells him she wants to go all the way. Leo agrees to not press charges but when she steps out of the hospital room he finds her evidence notebook in her bag which he takes. Ryan finds her and promises not to tell anyone where she is, telling Bianca they are not in Walford. Whitney returns from her solo honeymoon and soon announces that she has met another man. Whitney thinks hes gone but unbeknownst to her he hides in the attic of Dots house where Whitney is now living and is spying on her through a hole in the ceiling of her room. Tyler then surprises Whitney by kissing her. Jane Beale (Laurie Brett) joins the argument and snatches Asher's wallet when he says he does not give refunds, but he snatches it back. Later, a bus crashes into the market and Whitney is trapped underneath it. She tells Ricky to leave her and Tiffany alone as they are nothing to do with him, but Ricky reveals that Tiffany is his daughter. Tony is released on bail and returns to Pat's house, hoping to convince Whitney to lie to the police for him, making Whitney realise Bianca is right, and agrees to make a statement against him. A few weeks later, Johnny comes out to Whitney, which hurts her as she feels that Johnny has been using her. I own none of this all rights go to the BBC. Leo angrily attacks Whitney but she gains the upper hand and he leaves the hotel room upset at finding out the truth about his father. When she is caught, Rob rescues her from the situation and offers her what McGarty called a "dream life", which Whitney thinks is her chance to move up in the world as she feels lonely and has no friends. Whitney asks Billie to choose between her and his former gang, and when Billie chooses her, gang member Kylie makes threats to Whitney, and then takes revenge by attempting to shoot Billie, but hits Jack instead. Mick accompanies Whitney and assures a scared Ryan that he can trust him. But Abi doesn't want to tell Whitney and asked tells Lauren that she's her big sister and who she would choose over her or Whitney. Lucy teases Tyler by telling him that Fatboy plans to publicly propose to Whitney, so Tyler tells Whitney he likes her but Whitney says it is too late. "[9] Having undergone a thorough characterisation session, Coghill began shooting on 30 June 2008, and first appeared on-screen on 12 September 2008. Sharon complains and Whitney is suspended, but appeals for her job and is allowed to keep it. Whitney apologises for her attitude, but Halfway has to leave for the Army. Whitney takes a trip to Hampshire with Lucy, Peter, Leon, Zsa Zsa Carter and Fatboy where she fears the house they are staying in is haunted after Fatboy tells a story and she finds an old doll. When Whitney starts a relationship with a man named Lee (Mitchell Hunt), it is revealed that he is a friend of Rob's, and when Whitney agrees to meet Lee by text, Rob takes control of Lee's mobile phone. Whitney receives a letter from Lee's solicitor, citing her unreasonable behaviour as grounds for the divorce, but Woody tells her it is not a big deal. At Mick's stag party before his wedding to Linda, Lee knocks himself unconscious and is carried upstairs by Mick and Whitney. And they say family entertainment's dead. Billie chooses Whitney, and Kylie takes revenge by attempting to shoot him, shooting his uncle Jack (Scott Maslen) instead. Lauren urges Abi to confess to Whitney as Abi gave Lee chlamydia which he gave to Whitney as Abi's boyfriend Ben Mitchell cheated on her numerous times and he gave it to Abi. Whitney tries to leave the hotel room after talking to Tiffany but Leo doesnt let her, yelling at her as she hides in the bathroom that he wants her to admit the truth and say that she and Bianca had made up the story that Tony had abused Whitney. Ryan Malloy Liam Butcher (adoptive) Morgan Butcher (adoptive) Whitney and Woody kiss and have sex, and then a returning Mick finds them in bed together. Whitney goes to his council estate to find him but meets Kylie. After several weeks Lauren and Whitney make up. The next day, Lucy is found dead. Whitney finds it and, looking inside, sees a condom. Ashdown questioned what might happen if a paedophile were to befriend the mother in order to grow closer to the child, and related the scenario to Bianca's return to the soap. When he finds him, they fight and fall over the edge of the pier. Whitney convinces Peter and his twin sister Lucy Beale not to report the attack to the police, but Tony blames her for the incident and ends their affair. She runs away and is found by Bianca's ex-husband, Ricky, being drunk. Lucy invites Todd to a party and he brings Whitney. Romances Whitney is then upset when Bianca confronts her about this and immediately packs her things. She struggles with the prospect of making their romance sexual, but eventually agrees to when he talks about his feelings for her. Soon after, Tyler moves in. The next morning, Whitney contacts Ryan and he asks to meet in the park. Whitney is disappointed to hear this and she desperately tries to contact him so she decides to secretly write him a letter. Whitney plans to move to Wakefield to restart her t-shirt business after being fired from The Queen Vic and the lack of opportunity in Walford. She writes goodbye letters for her family and friends, and after Max learns from Gray that her chances of being let off are slim, he helps her by giving her money and a burner phone. Career Before joining EastEnders, McGarty had been involved in amateur musical theatre for six years, including a role in Wizard of Oz. [5], McGarty filmed her 1000th episode as Whitney in June 2018, over ten years after she joined the soap. Whitney threatens Ben, but agrees to continue with the wedding after a discussion with Halfway. She is upset and gets angry when Ryan does not understand how she feels. Whitney Carter Whitney then tells Abi that she should thank Lauren for getting her the job back and Abi isn't very happy that her sister had to ask to get her a job. On 1 June 2018, McGarty filmed her 1000th episode as Whitney. Relationships/Known relatives He comforts her and she kisses him, which is seen by Denise Fox (Diane Parish). Moments later, he secretly confronts Bianca and tries to explain himself to her. Mick struggles with Woody's presence, but agrees to get on with him for Whitney's sake and Whitney admits to Mick that although she cannot be with him, she loves him. Page Links: Whitney soon repairs her friendship with Todd, and they kiss at Ricky and Bianca's engagement party. Spin-off Appearances Whitney, feeling guilty, refuses to go on holiday with Fatboy, and tells him to kiss her. Bianca tells Whitney she is moving to Milton Keynes, and wants her to move with her and the children. The child sexual abuse storyline between Whitney and Tony marked the first time that the subject matter has been broached in a UK soap opera, so much so that the matter was researched and developed with advice and approval from the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Born on 8th December 1992, Whitney first appears in EastEnders when she and her family; mother figure Bianca, half-sister Tiffany, and Bianca's sons Liam and Morgan are evicted by their landlord for failure to pay rent. There isn't any uncomfortable feeling at all. Whitney takes an interest in Tyler Moon but refuses to date him. She then decides to go on a hunger strike and hallucinates, hearing Tony's voice, seeing herself as a child and warning herself about Tony. Horrified, Bianca calls the police, and Tony is arrested. Whitney Dean (Shona McGarty) and Zack Hudson ( James Farrar) were left heartbroken by the discovery that their . Whitneys father Nathan Dean died in a road accident when his partner Bianca Jackson was heavily pregnant and Bianca took on the responsibility of raising Whitney. Whitney threatens Ben, but agrees to continue with the wedding after a discussion with Halfway. 3. Whitney is devastated when Tony accepts Bianca's marriage proposal, locking herself in her bedroom. The rumors also say Max Bowden and Shona had something between them, but they never spoke publicly about . Whitney decides to contact her biological mother but discovers that she has the wrong address. Lauren then helps Abi take her clothes off and Abi trips on the coffee table. In running it, it's certainly not our intention to cause distress or upset, either to those who've suffered from sexual abuse or their families. It nearly falls apart when Kat catches Whitney giving free drinks to Janine, but she lets her off - telling Whitney she is a natural - and Whitney soon works well at the till. However, she is unaware that Lee has overheard her via the baby monitor. She fails to attend her GCSE exams and argues with Bianca. [25] Shelley wrote of Whitney's abuse: "You've really got to hand it to EastEnders. Lauren helps Abi gets her job back at The Queen Victoria and they celebrate with Whitney. In mid-July 2016. Diederick Santer (2008) She finds a text on her phone from Billie claiming to still love her, thus adding to her guilt. Mick later tells her he will help her and take the blame for Leos murder. Whitney tells Rob she wants to leave, but he says to either be nice to his friends or he will hurt her. EastEnders airs on Mondays-Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. He publicly declares his love for her, but when he is unable to give her a driving lesson, Lucy suggests that Tyler does it, because she knows that Tyler likes Whitney. Tony, however, has lost interest in Whitney, and hides her passport but it is found and returned to her. EastEnders have already revealed who was knocked down by Whitney (Image: BBC) Though there was no evidence pointing to the Mitchells, Whitney is convinced that one of them are . She is further deeply upset when Billie decides to join the army for his own punishment of the recent events and in an attempt to make his uncle Jack proud. Her mother, Debra, suddenly returns - banging on the front door, panicking. They later become good friends and Whitney forgives Johnny. Whitney is pleased when Ryan is released from prison and he tells her he is moving to Wakefield. Robbie Jackson (adoptive) Billie Jackson (adoptive; deceased) EastEnders spoilers: Whitney Dean's trauma as she faces losing her baby after shock news. The following month, she sends Lauren a message and meets her outside the police station, looking rough, as she has been arrested for shoplifting. Rob then drags Whitney out of the house and into his car, while Janine and Lauren see them driving off. Lauren tells her mother, Tanya Branning, but Whitney confesses the truth. After the boat crashes and everyone is back on the docks in the aftermath of the accident, Whitney decides to confess to murdering Leo and tells the police she killed someone, showing them the knife in her bag as Jack watches on. First Appearance Gray offers to represent Whitney and she is questioned by police who are doubtful as to why she would have gone to the boat party if she had killed Leo in self-defence. This causes Whitney to start drinking and Bianca suggests that Whitney go on her honeymoon alone to clear her mind off Halfway. Whitney hides the knife and later disposes of it in a canal. Her problem had overshadowed Bianca and Ricky's news that he is Tiffany's biological father, meaning Tiffany is not in fact Whitney's half-sister. Whitney and Leo continue their fling, but Whitney struggles to move on from Halfway and attempts to kiss him, but is rejected. Half-Brothers Whitney confesses to Mick that she intends to break up with Lee after the wedding, unable to handle his depression. Whitney applies for a new work experience at the local nursery which she later gets. Whitney starts to feel smothered by Fatboy's affections. Occupation Whitney learns of Sam Mitchell's return, now engaged to Ricky, much to Bianca and Whitney's displeasure. At first Lee didn't want the baby and prepared to tell Whitney that he wanted her to get an abortion. She struggles with being back in her room and knowing how Leo was spying on her. The judge stops the tape and Whitney, who is watching from another room, asks what is going on. It is then revealed that Tony is a pedophile who has been sexually abusing Whitney by grooming her ever since she was 12, effectively raping her whilst deceiving her into believing otherwise. She runs out and kisses Fatboy and starts a relationship with him. When Ryan returns from a holiday, he learns of Whitney's ordeal and urges her to go to the police and get tested for sexually transmitted infections. She then tells Tyler to leave her alone. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Whitney thinks Ryan may also be dead until he appears. Portrayed by What Links Here [4] EastEnders' executive producer Diederick Santer said that his vision for the character was someone "quite spiky, quite gobby, a bit of an equal to Bianca, and in a way a version of Bianca at that age". Although originally agreeing, Lee persuades her to stay and she moves into the pub with the Carters. Over the next few months, Bianca becomes the beneficiary of a mystery "guardian angel", who is revealed to be Whitney. At a grime night at The Queen Victoria, Kylie and Connor get Whitney drunk, which gets them thrown out. We have been working with the EastEnders script writers and some of the young women from projects we support to ensure the story reflects the reality of young people caught up in sexual exploitation. ID:507866:1false2false3false:QQ:: from db desktop :LenBod:collect2521: Follow us on Twitter @SMEntsFeed and like us on Facebook for the latest entertainment news alerts. Nieces 1 Albert Square (2022-) [5] Coghill has explained that Tony began grooming Whitney as soon as he met Bianca, ingratiating himself so as to become the family's "hero figure" and "saviour". She moves in with Janine Butcher and gets a work trail at the Queen Vic, however, she is fired for stealing. Shona McGarty Phoebe Farnham (flashback) She ignores a call from Tony and he leaves her a voicemail begging her to call him back, saying he loves her. Mick washes the knife and Whitney puts it in her purse. Whitney says she wants her mum and Ryan goes to find her but goes to Tony's trial instead. Mother EastEnders spoilers: Whitney Dean's secret boyfriend revealed to be sex abuser Tony King's son Leo. Leo later starts stalking Whitney, telling her he believes her about Tony and that he loves her because of their both having a connection to Tony. Sharon complains and Whitney is suspended, but appeals for her job and is allowed to keep it. Back in February on EastEnders, a drunk Abi Branning had sex with Lee Carter in an attempt to get pregnant to stand up the lie she told boyfriend Ben Mitchell that she was carrying his baby. During one breaktime, she warns Dennis Rickman (Harry Hickles) not to run in the playground. Upon Lee's return from the army, Whitney gives the relationship another chance. Tyler Moon (2013) Woody Woodward (2017) Callum Highway (2019) Kush Kazemi (2021; deceased) The man is revealed to be Leo, unbeknownst to Whitney, the son of Tony. This is a responsible effort to try to get over an important story."[5]. It had initially been decided that, alongside Tony's sexual abuse, Whitney would be seen to self-harm. Whitney believes she is pregnant, and when she tells Tyler, he seems reluctant to take on a child. The character is the ward of long-running character Bianca Jackson ( Patsy Palmer) and was introduced on 1 April 2008 when Palmer returned to the series after a nine-year absence. She pushes him in the kitchen and he is seemingly knocked out before jumping up again and assaulting Whitney. When she accidentally says Mick's name, he guesses that she has feelings for Mick, which she denies. Stacey is granted her appeal and freed but Whitney worries it will ruin her relationship with Lily. At the boat party, Linda accuses Mick and Whitney of having an affair since she saw them leaving Dots house together. Shona Mcgarty is not dating anyone as of 2023; as a result, she is not pregnant and is not expecting a child. She argues with Lee over money and Danny Mitchell (Liam Bergin) who tries to kiss her. Reenie Branning (adoptive) Dot Branning (step) Pat Evans (adoptive; deceased) She then admits she wants Tyler, leaving Fatboy heartbroken. The show also . When Billie is accepted into the army, Whitney decides to make the most of their two weeks together, so books a holiday to Alton Towers, however, Billie is unimpressed. Mick Carter (2016-2017) In one of Eastenders' most controversial storylines to date, Tony - boyfriend of Whitney's mum Bianca, visits Whitney in her bedroom after his release from prison and the two kiss.. Credits Tony went to prison in 2007 after assaulting a boy who apparently harassed Whitney and was released on 12th September 2008. Lee attempts to call Whitney but Woody tells Lee that she does not want to speak to him, so Lee sends his friend Moose (Sam Gittins) to see her, who says that Lee wants a divorce. The next day, a body is recovered from the sea, and is later revealed to be Rob who has died. It says that Whitney would be better in Walford and without him, and that he has left without her. Whitney has had a lot of boyfriends in the show, but James gives me a challenge every day, which is just brilliant." . Whitneys hair starts falling out because of the stress. Johnny's parents, Mick (Danny Dyer) and Linda Carter (Kellie Bright), hope that Johnny and Whitney will become an item, but his sister Nancy Carter (Maddy Hill) reveals to them that he is gay. She is also the ex-wife of Lee Carter and was the fiance of the deceased Kush Kazemi. Whitney eventually tells Lee about the kiss causing Lee to have a one night stand with Lauren's younger sister Abi Branning. Bianca returns for the third time briefly in September 2019 for Whitney's wedding to Callum Highway it's also revealed that shes been harassed by Tony's estranged son, Leo King. [19] In 2016, she discussed her suspension with The Sun magazine Fabulous and said her actions were "lazy and irresponsible" and the suspension made her realise the consequences of her actions. She tells Tyler, and they both realise that they will not work out, and Tyler leaves Walford. Leo's mother, Michaela, confronts Whitney wanting to find out what happened to Leo. She enlists Leon Small's help in printing and selling her t-shirts and he kisses her, though she does not reciprocate. Whitney struggles in prison in the days leading up to her bail hearing, during which she is denied bail meaning she will stay in prison until her trial, despite Kush pleading guilty on Gray's advice that it will help Whitney's case. "[5] He has added of their off-screen relationship: "Shona's fantastic to work with. She grabs the knife in defence and he accidentally falls on it. One day Whitney agrees to speak with him at E20 and he tells her he wants to continue their relationship. EASTENDERS' Whitney Dean proposed to her boyfriend Kush Kazemi during tonight's episode, but how will Gray Atkins react when he finds out and what lengths will he go to, to get rid of Kush? However, he comes round to the idea, but Whitney discovers she is not pregnant after all. In her cell she has a meltdown, throwing her tray of food and punching the wall until her hands bleed as she cries over her new reality of being in prison. Mick finds more items that Whitney has shoplifted, and she says she should never have married Lee as she is damaged and only good for sex but he tells her she is wrong and promises not to leave again. But it soon ends when Whitney finds out that Connor has been two-timing with her and Bianca's mother Carol (Lindsey Coulson). By 2011, Whitney has fallen in love with Connor. Fianc Whitney is described by executive producer Diederick Santer as both an equal to, and younger version of Bianca, and is the oldest of Bianca's four children. Tony, however, harangued by Bianca about the prospect of marriage, gives her Whitney's money to use as a down-payment on a flat. Later on, Whitney begins working for Janine's enemy Kat Slater (Jessie Wallace) after she offers her a work trial at The Vic for a job. Halfway returns from the Army and they resume their relationship, eventually trying for a baby. The BBC and television regulatory body Ofcom received upward of 90 complaints after Whitney's first scenes with Tony aired. Husband At Billie's birthday party, Whitney ends up kissing Peter. Kylie and her friend Connor track Billie and Whitney down in Walford, where Kylie tells Whitney she will look after her. Their reunion is short-lived, and Whitney breaks up with him in favor of Bianca's half-brother Billie (Devon Anderson). Whitney is angry when Derek's son, Joey Branning (David Witts) kisses her. Whitney initially refuses to discuss her and Tony's relationship with the police, believing that they were in love but Bianca makes her realise that Tony abused her and raped her for years. Mick later tells her he will help her and take the blame for Leo's murder. Wanting answers, Whitney confides in Lauren and thinks the chlamydia caused it. When she arrives, she cannot find him, so leaves him a voicemail, but soon notices a note on the window of the station. 1. Carol Jackson (adoptive) Status At her funeral, Tamwar Masood discovers a condolences card with 'Rot in Hell' written on it, and realises the handwriting matches Whitney's. [26] Deborah Orr, writing for The Independent, similarly disagreed with the BBC's statement that the storyline was part of EastEnders' "rich heritage of tackling difficult social issues",[27] writing that: The Guardian's Julie Raeside questioned: "Is this latest sexual abuse storyline a good thing to position in a pre-watershed soap opera, or should the EastEnders storyliners stick to a less controversial brand of misery? Age Gray offers to represent Whitney and she is questioned by police who are doubtful as to why she would have gone to the boat party if she had killed Leo in self-defence. Whitney and her family later go to the court to hear the verdict, though Whitney is not allowed inside. She refuses and Tony begins insulting Bianca, unaware that Whitney is hearing their argument in the background. She receives a letter from a stranger, which the letter is from Tony, asking Whitney to come and see him in prison. She's very natural, very instinctive and a natural actress. Whitney gives her relationship with Lee another go and is shocked when he proposes to her. Whitney was created as part of her new family; the daughter of Bianca's deceased partner Nathan Dean. When Whitney starts a relationship with a man named Lee, it is revealed that he is a friend of Rob's, and when Whitney agrees to meet Lee by text, Rob takes control of Lee's mobile phone. The way Mick, which she later gets Tony and that he can him... Now engaged to Ricky, much to Bianca and tries to contact her biological mother but discovers she. Found and returned to her Lee persuades her to stay and she desperately to. Halfway returns from the sea, and Tony is arrested returns - banging the... 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