top 20 best state in nigeria

Looking for the best state to choose for NYSC, here are the best states in Nigeria for Corpers and how much they pay. The numerous economic activities in Akwa Ibom make it one of the top 10 richest states in Nigeria. The various estates are also beautiful and well planned. Furthermore, as a state, Lagos has set the pace for development and has been the best-governed state in Nigeria for several years. Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) 5. Located in the south south region, Cross River is also one of the richest states in Nigeria. OSUN STATE: Osun State is a Nigerian state located in the southwest. Additionally, the state has vast deposits of natural gas. this part of the country is home to some of the best hotels in Nigeria. Required fields are marked *. */ The port handles numerous vessels, including oil/chemical tankers, container ships, bulk carriers, and fishing vessels. There is a 9% decline in the revenue made from the top 10 agricultural products in the first quarter of 2019, while the revenue of agricultural products export dropped from N91.2 billion generated in the last . function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} Abia State is located in east-central Nigeria and was administratively created in 1991 from the eastern half of Imo state. Benue is among the wealthiest states in southeast Nigeria and is home to over 4.5 million people. For the sake of many considering moving to Nigeria for one reason or the other and are confused about the appropriate state and place to reside, these are the top ten best states scattered around the country where you can make your choice and enjoy your stay. body{--wp--preset--color--black:#000000;--wp--preset--color--cyan-bluish-gray:#abb8c3;--wp--preset--color--white:#ffffff;--wp--preset--color--pale-pink:#f78da7;--wp--preset--color--vivid-red:#cf2e2e;--wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-orange:#ff6900;--wp--preset--color--luminous-vivid-amber:#fcb900;--wp--preset--color--light-green-cyan:#7bdcb5;--wp--preset--color--vivid-green-cyan:#00d084;--wp--preset--color--pale-cyan-blue:#8ed1fc;--wp--preset--color--vivid-cyan-blue:#0693e3;--wp--preset--color--vivid-purple:#9b51e0;--wp--preset--gradient--vivid-cyan-blue-to-vivid-purple:linear-gradient(135deg,rgba(6,147,227,1) 0%,rgb(155,81,224) 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Yobe 1.6 5. It is one those places in the country that can rival places like Lagos and Abuja in terms of beauty, wealth and structures. The good road network and its beautiful landscapes make it one of the best states in Nigeria. Top 20 Best State Universities In Nigeria 1. oneSignal_options['wordpress'] = true; RSUST is the first Technological University in the country. Some of the popular towns and cities in Oyo state include Eruwa, Igboora, Iseyin, Lalupon, Saki, Ogbomoso, Okeho among others. Borno A vast wheat farm. */ University of Ibadan, IU 2. Osogbo is the state capital. Generally, the University has Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Management and Social Sciences, Education, Humanities, College of Pure and Applied Sciences. Osun was created in 1991 from a section of Oyo state. 16 Most beautiful places in Africa in 2021 you probably may not believe exist on planet earth. With top tourist attractions, it is a states filled with adventure and luxury you definitely should be thinking of Port Harcourt for Holidays. Bet9ja Site (Up to N100,000 Welcome Bonus) 3. The latest foreign trade data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) shows that the top ten agricultural products exported from Nigeria are estimated at N82.3 billion.. Yobe 5.Gombe 6.Borno 7 . Nigeria has 36 states, and each of these states is unique in itself. Considering the amount of unrest and things you see and read every day, one might think nowhere is safe. Cross River is also one of the richest states in Nigeria. LAUTECH is a state-owned university in Ogbomosho, Oyo State. Here, you are definitely going to feel at home even though you are far away from home. Most Peaceful and Safest States in Nigeria 2022. It has 2 campuses one in Yenagoa and Amassoma. Below are the best and most performing governors in Nigeria: Ifeanyi Arthur Okowa (Delta State Governor) Ezenwo Nyesom Wike (Rivers State Governor) Okezie Ikpeazu (Abia State governor) Nasir el-Rufai (Kaduna state Governor) Babagana Umara Zulum (Borno State state Governor) Aminu Waziri Tambuwal (Sokoto State Governor) Niger 2. Your email address will not be published. It is divided into phases and districts. PAY ATTENTION: Follow us on Instagram - get the most important news directly in your favourite app! Price: $5.00 Likes: 11,086. . Some other attractions in the state include National Museum Uyo, Ibom plaza Uyo, and the popular Le Meridian Uyo- which is a five-star hotel. The university has 9 faculties, Faculty of Agriculture, Medical Sciences, Law, Pharmacy, Science, Social Sciences, Engineering, Management Sciences, Arts, Education. Oyo state is beautiful, the point of Interest includes Ibadan University Zoo, Agodi Zoological Garden, Mbari Arts Center, and traditional Festivals: Egungun, and Ode-Ibadan. The State is full of natural beauty which pulls in tourists, and it also has several historic sites such as Lord Luggards residence and some of the administrative buildings of old history. The range of economic activities, governance, and abundance of natural resources are the primary factors determining a state's wealth in Nigeria. LASU offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees and diploma programs courses. Friends Colony Estate, Lekki. This is the biggest state in the southwestern part of Nigeria. Enjoy quality nightlife and witness the best of festivals depending on the time of the year. It is also important that the people of Calabar are famous for their rich variety of delicacies. The principal city of Enugu is called the Coal City because it was an important mining city in the old days when coal was an important fuel. Find the Best Colleges in Nigeria at TFE Times. The richest states in Nigeria have reached their status by leveraging the natural resources, human capital, infrastructure, and climate conditions prevalent in their borders. Top 20 Of The Most Educated States In Nigeria 2023 Imo state Delta state Lagos state Enugu state Anambra state Abia state Osun state Bayelsa state Ondo state Ogun state Oyo state Ekiti state Kwara state Abuja Rivers state Plateau state Cross Rivers state Edo state Kaduna state Benue state This University was established in the year 1992, the population of the students as of 2015 was 32,000. University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital , Borno 3. Top 20 Best State Universities In Nigeria List (2023), TOP 20 LIST OF BEST FEDERAL UNIVERSITIES IN NIGERIA, TOP 10 BEST COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITIES IN NIGERIA, Best University To Study Electrical Engineering in Nigeria, Top 20 Best Private Universities In Nigeria By NUC, List Of Ogun State Colleges And Universities {Tuition Fees}, List Of Universities That Offer Medical Laboratory Science In Nigeria, AJAYI CROWTHER UNIVERSITY ADMISSION LIST 1ST BATCH 2017/2018 RELEASED, Top 10 Best Polytechnics In Nigeria (2023), Top 100 Work From Home Online Jobs(2023). Also, it is regarded as the best place to chop life. . It is a place where both Christians and Muslims live together as they have for centuries. Bien avant le dbut des matchs des quarts de finale de la Coupe d'Afrique des Nations U-20 TotalEnergies Egypte 2023, la CAF organise des opportunits mdias avec des lgendes . Lagos State University, Ojo - best medical schools in Nigeria 6. Cross River State is a great place to live! It is a place to make the list because it is highly populated by different indigenes across the nation and you will have a feel for every culture and tradition in the nation here in this state. The Lagos State University was founded in 1983. Kwara State University was established by Senate. Katsina is renowned for its appreciation of education and a remarkably high number of academic institutions, including the Umar Musa Yar' Adua University, Al-Qalam University, and the Federal University Dutsin-Ma. The University is among the best state University in the country. Due to the reporters and media channels in Nigeria who exaggerate out of proportion but there is a need to visit around and you will see something different. A place often commended for its natural beauty. The University has a student population of 17,000 and a Staff strength of 3,000. Warri is another city in Delta where you can reside if you are the noisy type. Top 100 Universities in Nigeria. Lagos State University (LASU): In this multi ethnic city of Lagos, a great deal of beauties from across the country seek admission into Lagos state university, the next time you enter a taxi and you see pretty girl by your side, tell her you are a LASU student or graduate and she will hug you very well and tell you her department. /* Error on ../wp-content/plugins/toLetPropertySearchWidget/assets/tolet-property-search.css?v=1.6&ver=6.1.1 : Something went wrong: A valid URL was not provided. 2 See also. In case you are looking for a cheap place to reside in the southwest of Nigeria, Oyo place definitely is for you. Various industries produce pharmaceuticals, rubber, plywood, beer, sawn wood, and furniture. oneSignal_options['allowLocalhostAsSecureOrigin'] = true; So, What schools are the top 20 best medical universities in Nigeria? PariPesa Sports Betting (Up to 100 000 NGN Bonus) 2. The next 2 hospitals have shown consistent high quality service appearing in previous ranking in 2019. With this, you can test your friends knowledge of the best states in Nigeria. Its economy is primarily based on agriculture, with the main crops being yams, cassava, corn, beans, millet, plantains, cacao, palm oil and kernels, and fruits. Sokoto is the poorest state in Nigeria, with a poverty level of 87.73%! This University brings us to the last on the list, the university was founded in the year 2010, and they only have one faculty which is the faculty of Science. Kenya were easily 30 meters ahead at baton change, with Egbunike running anchor. Therefore, this article aims to write on the; Lagos is the most commercial and invariably excellent state in Nigeria; no wonder it is referred to as the state of excellence. Thats all about the Top 20 Best State Universities in Nigeria. . 5 Tips on Finding the Best Tenants for your Property, Fulfilled Prophecy: Number of Vacant Houses Increase in Lekki & Ikoyi, Cost of building materials in Nigeria (2021), When Your Girlfriend is Your Next door Neighbour, How Government Housing Policies Affect Low Income-Earners, What You Should Know About Land Sizes in Nigeria Plots, Acres & Hectares. , one might think nowhere is safe 2021 you probably may not believe exist on planet earth network its... It one of the richest states in Nigeria & ver=6.1.1: Something went wrong: a valid was. As a state 's wealth in Nigeria and how much they pay these states is unique itself! 10 richest states in Nigeria at TFE Times nowhere is safe vessels, including oil/chemical tankers, container ships bulk! /Wp-Content/Plugins/Toletpropertysearchwidget/Assets/Tolet-Property-Search.Css? v=1.6 & ver=6.1.1: Something went wrong: a valid URL not... 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top 20 best state in nigeria