rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom

This included four kingdoms, six grand duchies . The young woman would not marry a non-Catholic, however, so James turned to France, another Catholic nation. Charles then turned toward Italy, landed in Sicily in August, and advanced with ease toward the Alps. In yet another change of mind, many noblemen began demanding that Charles's brother Ferdinand be named king. Charles's spokesmen claimed the troops had moved on Rome against During the Christian reconquest of Spain, the Roman Catholic Church launched the Crusades (10961291), a series of holy wars against "pagans." For instance, the English armies were commanded by French-speaking nobles and a Frenchspeaking king. Many of the Spanish ships broke up on the west coast of Ireland. We will have to build, reinforce, and train our own army to rise up as the most powerful on the map. They now supported Charles, hoping they could dominate a foreign monarch. February 3, 2023. Statutes (laws) passed by the Reformation Parliament in 1533 and 1534 named the king Supreme Head of the Church and cut all ties with the papacy. Learn more. Diverse people lived within the territories. Soon Catherine, like Anne Boleyn, was found guilty of adultery; she was beheaded in 1542. By 1503 the French were once again driven out of Italy, and the Spanish took possession of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. . During the reign of Francis I, French explorers became part of the age of European exploration, one of the great achievements not only of the Renaissance period but also in Western history. By 1215, Philip had extended his territory to duchies once held by the Anjous in the north and west. The Rise of Monarchies: France, England, and SpainOne of the most significant developments in the three centuries leading up to the Renaissance period was the collapse of feudalism. Because James felt that bishops were necessary, he adjourned the conference. Nationality: France. Ferdinand feared that the Habsburgs would influence Charles to place their own interests above the needs of Spain. In the meantime, Santa Cruz died and Philip replaced him with the inexperienced Alonso Prez de Guzmn (c. 15501619), duke of Medina-Sidonia. The Spanish had rights to all lands west of the longitudinal Line of Demarcation, while Portugal could claim everything to the east. Driven by increasing prosperity, the emerging powers of northwestern EuropeEngland, France, and the Netherlandsdecided to invest in exploration. In a dozen voyages from 1603 until 1633, Champlain discovered the easternmost Great Lakes, Huron and Ontario; founded the city of Quebec; and served as commandant of France's new colonial territories, which were called New France. In 1494, during the reign of Charles VIII, France embarked on the first phase of the Italian Wars (14941559), a series of conflicts between France and Spain that took place in Italy (see also "Italian Wars dominate Renaissance" in Chapter 2). The uprising began when Dutch Protestants staged violent riots and smashed statues of Catholic saints. The English also formed an alliance with France and, to seal the treaty, Henry's sister Mary became the wife of King Louis XII of France. Ferdinand and Isabella also took over a municipal league known as the Santa Hermandad (Holy Brotherhood), which had provided mutual assistance and protection to its members for several centuries. The Dutch troubles worsened in 1578 when Philip approved the assassination of Juan de Escobedo (died 1578), John of Austria's dangerous and ambitious secretary. Their efforts to find a sea route to Asia (then called the Indies) resulted in the European age of exploration, one of the great achievements of the Renaissance period. Once Rome declared victory over the insurgents in Gaul they focused on attacking the Franks. At the town of Tilbury, Elizabeth reviewed her small land army, which was clearly inadequate to take on the Spanish forces. Cromwell therefore declared the marriage invalid shortly after he conducted the wedding Thus the two largest Christian kingdoms in Spain were united. The Dutch quickly found an alternate route to the Spice Islands, bypassing the Portuguese-controlled Strait of Malacca by sailing around the island of Sumatra. Catherine de' Medici Question Posted by Guest on May 8th 2020 Last Modified: Apr 15th 2021 France and Germany were both once part of what Kingdom? The Armada was doomed when a powerful storm, which the English called the "Great Protestant Wind," swept through the Channel. It was the first grammar school to provide rigorous instruction in the classical languages. In 1621, however, Parliament reconvened in order to vote funds to aid Frederick V of Bohemia (15961632). Ferdinand remained regent of Castile. He had neither won nor regained any territory. For the time being, the English were content to settle along the eastern England was still a Catholic country and the pope's consent was required before Henry could get a divorce. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like During the fourteenth century, serfdom decreased in eastern Europe and increased in western Europe T o F, The Renaissance is part of the era that historians call the "medieval" period. The bulk of the preparatory work fell to Thomas Wolsey (c. 14751530), the royal almoner (one who distributes alms, or food and money, to the poor), who became Henry's war minister. These lords were constantly fighting among themselves. Royal Family of Luxembourg (Now Italian House of Bourbon-Parma but historically Germanic House of Nassau) Royal Family of Holland. French explore inland water routes Nearly sixty years later, and farther north, Henry Hudson (died 1611), a British captain sailing for the Dutch, led his expedition in search of the Northwest Passage. After the battle at Ceuta, Henry became obsessed with gaining access to exotic markets in Africa. The great humanist Thomas More served as his lord chancellor (chief secretary) in the 1530s. While preparing to confront Adrian's forces, the Comuneros discovered that they were divided among themselves. Not long after Columbus's discovery of the New World in 1492, Pope Alexander VI ordered that the newly discovered lands be divided between Spain and Portugal. When Ferdinand died in 1516, Charles was named king of Castile and Aragon, becoming the first official monarch of a united Spain. lasted one hundred years. He neglected to reward several of his best lieutenants for their services, and as a result he lost their support. been deeply in love with her husband, Joanna was completely devastated and could not rule. In In the 1300s he had left a record of his journeys to the faraway lands of China (then called Cathay), India, and the Spice Islands. 2. The only lasting outcome of the meeting was a new translation of the Bible, which was prepared by both Anglican and Puritan scholars and published in 1611. By Julie E. Hughes (Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2013) 304 pp. Today Mary is best known as "Bloody Mary" because of her persecution of Protestants. Beginning in the late fifteenth century, Europeans took to the seas in search of riches in the East. The successful siege ended a five-year Spanish offensive that conquered more than thirty rebel Dutch towns and maintained Spanish and Catholic control of the southern provinces of the Netherlands until 1714. The conflict ended in 1571, when Philip's illegitimate half-brother, John of Austria (15451578), led a Catholic armada against the Turks in the great naval battle of Lepanto (Gulf of Corinth) in the Ionian Sea off the coast of Greece. The term "feudal system" is used by historians to describe a social-political structure which was a key feature of medieval Europe. Hopes of cooperation and compromise were dashed, however, when the Puritans demanded that the church get rid of bishops (heads of church districts), whom they regarded as popish obstacles to true reform. Leading the venture would be an experienced admiral, the marquis of Santa Cruz. The Peace of Westphalia (1648), which ended the Thirty Years' War, and the Peace of the Pyrenees (1659) marked the end of Habsburg dominance. The policy of the French monarchy was to suppress Protestantism at home while supporting it abroad as a counterbalance to Habsburg power. The revolt was distracting Charles's attention, so the French were able to move into Navarre and wage war with Spain. The enormous strain of directing such a massive empire had taken a toll on Charles. Philip was convinced, however, that God had chosen him for a special mission to defend the Catholic faith. All lands to the east would belong to Portugal and all lands to the west would belong to Spain. Although Elizabeth had encountered numerous problems during her long reign, she showed an uncanny ability to retain the love of her people. Infuriated that the pope had sided with France, Charles sent his Spanish and German troops into Rome in 1527. The last group of colonists mysteriously disappeared. ceremony. Meanwhile, in 1580, Philip had claimed the throne of Portugal. Alba had Egmont and Hoorn executed along with perhaps twelve thousand other rebels. He recalled Alba and replaced him with Luis de Requesens (pronounced ray-kay-SAINS; In 1601 he attempted to stage a coup (overthrow of government) that would oust Cecil's party and put his own party in power around the queen. The Cortes of Castile announced that, before they would approve any funds, Charles had to give Spain priority over the Holy Roman Empire. Just as Philip was on the verge of reclaiming the northern provinces of the Netherlands, his attention was diverted by war with England. Henry VIII, whose heart had never really been in the war, also quickly came to terms with Charles. Throughout the Middle Ages, the King of Germany was known as "King of the Romans" from his election as king . when he began competing against Charles I, the young king of Spain. (now in Belgium), a city in the Holy Roman Empire. Even more ruthless than Corts was Francisco Pizzaro. Rise of Kingdoms is a mobile MMO real-time strategy game inspired by history. The French also occupied the province of Navarre during the Comuneros Revolt in Spain. Many Moriscos paid considerable sums of money to Catholic Church officials so they could stay in the country. The quest for Asian ports began in Portugal as revenge against the African Muslims, long-time enemies of Portuguese Christians. According to the map, Italy in the early 19th century was. into numerous small regions, each controlled by a feudal lord. The German artist Hans Holbein was Henry's court painter, and the English scholar Thomas Elyot was one of his secretaries. Find answers for Rise of Kingdoms on AppGamer.com. (See "England" section later in this chapter.). Reviews. The French effort collapsed in 1528. In February, he completed the Capitulations, an "unholy alliance" with the Ottoman leader Khayr ad-Din (pronounced kigh-ruh-DEEN; d. 1546), who was called Barbarossa by Europeans. Introduction. In 1639 a French army invaded Catalonia, and in 1641 the Catalonians declared their independence from Spain and gave their allegiance to King Louis XIII of France. Francis was a dashing figure, a man of immense charm who had a lust for life. Francis begged to be taken from Naples to Spain, and he was placed under house arrest in Madrid for over a year. Francia. The election day became the starting date permanently with Sigismund. The map shows Italy in the early 19th century. James was married to Anne of Denmark. After the Portuguese defeated the Spanish in a war over the throne in 1385, John established a political alliance with England under the Treaty of Windsor (1386) that has endured to the present day. The tribes formed their own kingdom, sometimes called the Visigoth Kingdom of Toulouse, which spread across southern Spain to claim . Edward ruled England for twelve more years, until his unexpected death in 1483. Eventually feudalism (a term derived from the medieval Latin word feudum, meaning "fee") spread throughout Europe and served as a unifying institution for all aspects of life. She inspired the soldiers by saying that though she had "the body of a weak and feeble woman," she had "the heart and stomach of a King.". Unification was also assured since their heirs were to inherit both Aragon and Castile as a single kingdom. The plot failed, however, and Essex was arrested. Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. The majority of Moriscos were farm laborers, though many worked in trades such as the silk and leather industries. He began organizing the famous "Invincible Armada," a fleet of 130 heavily armored ships that carried 30,000 men, for an invasion of England (see "Spain" section later in this chapter). Henry succeeded in restoring prosperity The Spanish won two battles at Genoa and were victorious at nearby Savona and at Aversa in the south. He was being educated in Brussels (a city in present-day Belgium), where his tutor Adrian Florensz (14591523; reigned as Pope Adrian VI, 152223) was teaching him Flemish customs. James also had to contend with religious unrest. When we look at existing monarchies in Europe, following are of German descent: Royal Family of Belgium. In Spain, the monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella of Castile laid the foundation for an immense empire by uniting several independent provinces. Residents were allowed to transfer to larger houses that remained open or to renounce (refuse to follow) their vows. The right to the throne now went to Charles, her eldest son, who was only six years old. They often involved elaborate scenery and costumes as well as music. The events in Bohemia became part of the Thirty Years' War (161848), a complex conflict that was taking place in the Holy Roman Empire over several social, political, and religious issues (see "Thirty Years' War" in Chapter 6). The French king was not confined like most prisoners: He hunted regularly, enjoyed the companionship of his nobleman comrades, and attended numerous dinners given in his honor. Real-time Battles: In this game, you can do the battles on a huge . In Russian history, what nickname was the first Tzar given for their tyranny? For instance, the English playwright William Shakespeare (15641616) produced some of the world's greatest masterpieces by drawing upon ancient history and humanism for his plots and characters. The most famous exploits were made by Elizabethan mariners John Hawkins and Francis Drake. Tensions between Spain and the Ottomans had reached a peak in the mid-1500s. Columbus was of course mistaken: he had landed somewhere in the Bahamas, in the Caribbean Sea. Edward and his brother were soon murdered, and many suspected that Richard had killed them. Henry and Anne Boleyn had been secretly married in January, and their daughter Elizabeth was born the following September. The first successful English colony, founded in Virginia in 1607, was named in the king's honor: Jamestown. His opponents for the position were King Francis I of France (see "France" section previously in this chapter) and King Henry VIII of England (see "England" section previously in this chapter). Edward Tudor (15371553; ruled 154753) was the youngest, but as a male he had the strongest claim to be ruler. By that time Germanic tribes, called the Visigoths, had carved up Spain Francia. Alba's repression continued unchecked, but by 1573 Philip had seen enough. The English Parliament, the central law-making body of England, declared Edward to be King Edward IV in 1461 (ruled 146170 and 147183). Nevertheless, Edward's uncle, Edward Seymour (c. 15501552), duke of Somerset, took control of the government. In 1534 he explored the Saint Lawrence Rivergateway to the Great Lakesin search of a passage to China. went on a rampage that is now called the "German Fury" and sacked Rome. Half of the Armada was lost and so was Philip's dream of making England into a Catholic province. (Such an action was not unusual during the Renaissance, when rulers constantly shifted strategies to promote their own interests.) Catherine de' Medici (1519-1589) was a Machiavellian politician, wife of Henry II of France, and later rege, A royal house whose members ruled many states of Europe, including France, Navarre, Naples, Sicily, and Spain, which still has a Bourbon member as it, John of Austria You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org Title: Critical and Historical Essays . Vespucci's voyage made it clear that a westerly sea route to Asia had not been found. Philip's grandson, Louis IX (12141270; ruled 122670), had a long reign. At that time France was severely weakened by a wave of epidemics (widespread outbreaks of disease) that began with the Black Death (bubonic plague) in 1348 (see "Black Death" in Chapter 1). The English colonies, especially in the South, would later establish a plantation economy, producing chiefly tobacco and cotton, that relied heavily on the use of African slaves. Then, in a crowning victory, Philip's navy, under lvaro de Bzan (15261588), the marquis de Santa Cruz, smashed a combined English-French force off the coast of the Azores in 1582 and 1583. Charles had left Philip in charge of an unresolved war with the Muslim Turks, which had begun in 1551 over control of the Mediterranean Sea. 3. Other than that, if you value combat above all else, the German, Britain, Korea and Arabia civilizations are the ones for you. In 1598 he signed the Edict of Nantes, which guaranteed religious freedom to the Huguenots. In 1526 he inherited the thrones of Hungary and Bohemia when the Ottoman Turks killed King Louis, the ruler of those provinces. In 1584 Philip began Spanish financial aid to France's Catholic League in an unsuccessful effort to put a Catholic on the throne of France. Spanish forces led personally by Charles took La Goletta (now Halq al-Wadi), a seaport town in northeast Tunisia. 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rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom