newberry tablet

It appears that the Vikings did not rely on them as a mainstay in battle. To where and to whom and for what in exchange? I grew up in western my and remember some guy who claimed to have found roman coins I. Despite that, only a few have been found. In the late-neolithic/early-bronze-age there were thriving cultures all along the Atlantic coast of Europe from Gibraltar to the Orkney Islands. Somehow Vaught acquired the mysterious tablet to display for the tourist. I didnt realize that there was a proven Basque site. potentially fragile objects. Just because someone told you something dosent mean its true. It didnt receive the appropriate heat treatment that is indispensable to maintain such an artifact. More Info Fri, Apr 07, 2023. It was one try. Thank you for your reply. PH New Y_W Logo Header Tablet 70x43 Pulte Homes Ancient Script on the Tablets now thought to be Minoan 5.The Sutton Land Deed. BUY TICKETS. If that doesnt help then try the psychiatrist. If the people were there, then where are their cups, sauces, latrines, etc.? Your points are well taken. She also offers a map of Atlantis that encompasses the land bound by the Mississippi, Ohio and Potomac rivers as well as the Atlantic giving us the island of Atlantis. His show takes a scientific approach to controversial topics. I have read this blog with considerable interest. 1000 CE. Also Marco Polo in the US? You got that right. One theory is they have to be a hoax because if they are supposed to be hundreds or even thousands of years old, from the time of the Minoans, how did they survive for so long only to be eroded away in a short amount of time after they were discovered. I dont doubt that native Americans had a very effective trading system from the interior to both coasts and that there would be the odd lost European fishing boat that would make accidental landfall somewhere along the Atlantic coast and intermingle with the natives if they were friendly and spend the rest of there days here and contaminate the native culture with theirs but no proof of that inter-cultural contamination exists prior to 1000 C.E. MarchFourth Door 6pm Show 7:30pm . Chicago in 1812. The tablets, or more like what is left of them because they have been reduced to a couple of crumbling pieces with none of the writing remaining, is on display with the worn-down figures. Newberry Tablet written in Cypriot Minoan (500BC) found in Michigan, 1896 You've heard of the mummies of fair-skinned "giants" found in North America, right? Since the Native Americans and Old World people began using copper about the same time, one may wonder why alloying and other metal advances occurred in the Old World, but not here. $13. A comparison of this map with a modern map of Florida convinced her that they referred to the same region. Ends 2.28. What if the Spanish site were an outpost of the Minoan culture and indeed Atlantians and Minoans were the same people? Not one bit of native America culture showed up in Europe until the 1500s and vice versa. his name was Fred Rydholm. Shop Newberry College Tablets, iPads and Samsung Galaxy at the Wolves Bookstore. I suggest you read America B.C. Double-wall design allows continuous interstitial leak detection and monitoring. Award Winning New Technology Product Tank Chart Calculator Operating System: Android 10. One problem with Scotts episodes is there never is a settlement, with necessities of life artifacts from the supposed ancient explorers. There is a long history of mining for lithic resources in the Isle Royale area including for 1000s of years before the copper was mined by the Paleo-Indians. by. Now for the world to see, the first tablet to be translated from Linear A, derived from the e-mail templates collected since 1995, reads as follows: Mr. Anakopi, Official Scribe, City of Buhan, Nubia My Dear Sir, My sincere hope is that the Gods find you well and that prosperity has brought you kind rewards. We can both be happy that your God is a loving God, and you wont go crazy and suicide bomb Hollywood, or capture someone and saw their head off while shouting God is Great. My God is also a loving God and expects me to examine everything critically, including the Bible, because my God wants me to explore and learn. His type of crossing would allow small parties to migrate, but would not be the basis of commerce between the continents. Regardless of the condition of the object before excavation, the So, one could sail a boat from the Gulf of Mexico straight up to Lake Superior. I can barely see the boat, let alone a face, but you could not be crazy and just have better eyesight than I. I would call the show fringe science. Everytime I look stuff up from the show, theres only a small number of people who believe the theories on the show. He then visits a small museum in St. Ignatius at the northern tip of Michigans Lower Peninsula. during the equilibration process underground and during the recovery process. A ship would have to get by the Rapids at Montreal and then portage from say Lake Huron to Ontario around present day Toronto. I dont pay anything, it would just be for fun and to inform others. Theres a good reason to peer review all science. I also read that the initial period of time cited for the copper mines when they were first investigated back in the 1960s has now been expanded by further research both further back in time and up to the post-columbian period. This makes a hoax, unless done by a clairvoyant, nearly impossible, but the Smithsonian did label it a hoax, largely because they had never seen the symbols before. (d) Atlantis, Volume 17, No.6, October 1964. An interesting find since scientists did not rediscover the Minoan civilization until 1900. So the issue becomes, could the Minoans get here? Anyone interested in the subject should find it stimulating. There is also the issue of sailing the Atlantic. Next stop is the city of Marquette in Michigans Upper Peninsula. Also a discovery of Minoan ports along the Atlantic coast of Europe would go a long way toward proving the point. Email Address Thanks for the information. They simple will not read it or talk about it. Figure I.1 But the bigger question is, does this theory even make sense? Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. After his death, the artifacts went on display at the Fort De Buade Museum in downtown St. Ignace. Im sure there are a lot of ways to explain that, but it would be nice if camps of any kind were found. One would think that once refined, all copper is xxx pure. be unable to support their own weight. The population was 10,277 at the 2010 census.It is the county seat of Newberry County; at one time it was called Newberry Courthouse.. Newberry became a city in 1976, but did not report the change to the Census Bureau for more . This fact actually reinforces the authenticity of the tablet. She also directs Scott to a rock store where he can buy samples of copper ore. Judy also tells Wolter about the famous Copper Harbor petroglyph of a square-sailed ship. In my opinion, the shows that MIGHT have some credence are: The Mayans in the southern US-this has been suggested by others for close to a 100 years; the Minoan copper-I think a science-based analysis could prove this one way or the other; the Dare Stones-while I think these are fake, a good study might prove otherwise; the Meriwether Lewis show, while I believe his death has absolutely nothing to do with the Welsh, there is evidence that he was murdered. It was in this blog, Just saw the program and Im highly skeptical by nature, but how would have the Minoans found out about the copper in a small island in one of the Great Lakes? Reparacin de pantalla, batera, centro de carga o de cualquier otro elemento . Its fun to conjecture on this but until real evidence is found its just a very long shot theory. Big Obsidian flow is the light colored area directly south (below) of Paulina Lake and central pumice cone. The usual case, is that fringe science is bad science. They happen to stumble upon two small clay figures and a tablet. Maybe via trade routes the Europeans could trade for access similar to the Silk Road where the final customers had no real idea on all the different groups delivering the goods over thousands of miles, read Adam smith on how trade routes work. from the outer solar system look it up on the computer I did.She has a elipital orbit not a circle.But when she comes we will flood as in Noahs time until then make your time meaningfull to you.Love That means we as modern people can read what they wrote and that gives us a lot more information about their culture and technology. I agree with your assessment of the show. Just some random thoughts to throw out in this interesting and highly speculative discussion. I hate my tablet too, but its light weight for travel. I dont think this was addressed in the episode. It took me 14 years of research before I could write that little book. previous 1 2 next . from $348.46 for 30 tablets 50 mg sildenafil oral tablet from $20.87 for 15 tablets 100 mg sildenafil oral tablet from $19.23 for 10 tablets See brand name versions of this drug: Viagra Important: When there is a range of pricing, consumers should normally expect to pay the lower price. I would expect any culture to eventually move up the ladder of materials if they exist long enough. Queen Quilt According to wikipedia the Basque ships are from 1562, long after Columbus and the Vikings. Her book The Mystic Symbol[0621] argues that some early Christians fled to America to escape persecution in the Roman Empire. Single artifacts, messages, etc. The 19 x 26 inch tablet had 140 characters carved into a grid pattern. Obsidian, volcanic glass is also used. Fringe science can become mainstream science, but thats the exception IMO. Newberry Tablet unearthed in the 1890s prior to discovery of the Minoan culture. This is a major problem for me, and discredits the proposed age of the tablet. Unfortunately the post you are responding to is quite old, and its possible the original poster has moved on. The items are in good shape and NDT performed. Michael was a very thorough researcher and, in fact, bows have been found that had the pull strength of 100 lbs. Through all the overland routes climbing up from sea level to the 608 ASL level of Lake Superior and Isle Royale and the other mining areas. Mertzs book, Wine Dark Sea, which claims that Homers Odyssey describes a very ancient trip to America, inspired the Austrian ethnologist, Christine Pellech, to expand on her work with a number of books on diffusionism together with a website on the subject. Cretan script may have been the basis of the Cree sylabary (Ref.7), and Mayan writing (Ref.3). I researched it and apparently there is some validity in what he did, there actually is a fingerprint based on purity of an ingot, which is not fully refined, at least by our standards, BUT I agree with you, a test for marker impurities would be a conclusive test. The Hensler Site and Long-Range Alignments, Proposal for Surveying Indian Mounds at Edgewood College, What We Have Learned from Surveying Effigy Mounds, Ohio Archaelogical and Historical Society. The seminars are led by Newberry staff and include a presentation of primary sources from the Newberry's collection. The answer may be that a Native American could knap a flint tool in a matter of minutes and therefore did not see a need for copper tools. Injection Molding. Are you familiar with James Churchwards books on MU? Several wolves, as well as moose, have been found dead after falling into some of these ancient mining pits. First of all, while Im not an expert on Linear B (the Minoan written language), comparing that tablet to examples of Linear B shows only a couple symbols that look even remotely similar. His was the seminal book on diffusionism. science is a myth, amounts of personal , corporate & governmental censorship/propaganda precludes objective vact even were it possible -which its not. You seem to have a lot of knowledge on this. The Newberry Tablet. Newberry Hospital provides NCMH Health Portal to our patients and their families as a free service. Experts say that the Minoan ships and navigation skills were insufficient to make commerce between the two continents possible. This means that it wasnt a huge and relatively quick mining operation, but rather mines produced copper at a slow and steady rate over thousands of years. We know this from the shared culture items like similar pottery styles and burial methods. Of course we should use it. The Mohawk river but it wasnt proved and that is a little late in the timeline. Cricks Solution. Unfortunately, Pellechs books are only available in German but she has also established an English language magazine and website(a).>However, Pellech references Mertzs theory but goes further with her contention that Homers Odyssey was a description of an ancient circumnavigation of the globe. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. For instance, I have 1000 year old straw items, which unfortunately are not kept in perfect environmental conditions. (this figure is important as it shows a rapid deterioration after excavation, in opposition to stability while in equilibrium underground). After it was found, after it was roundly dismissed as a hoax, the farmer whose land it was discovered on thought a woodshed. 1. Many of the 400 cinder cones on the flank of the volcano can . Listing for: Samsung Electronics America. illustrates the deterioration rate of archeological objects through time. This book was first written and published in 2000. Still, the biggest draw is the Newberry Tablet. Tuesday - Thursday & Sat 10:00 am -6:00 pm, Friday 10:00 am - 8:00pm and Sunday noon - 4:00pm. For the rest, only the Bible has information. The resources needed to do it would outweigh the benefits. It is expected that an ancient heavy stone object will be destroyed if mishandled after excavation. Seashells from the West Coast have been found in pre-pueblo sites in New Mexico. Only the academic archeological fraternity [perhaps mafia would be more appropriate] would attempt to cast doubt on its authenticity. She gave a lecture on her views in London in 1964(d) and enjoyed extensive coverage in the Greek press including theserialisation of her book. Online only. (e) Dr. Christine Pellech (German) (See Archive 7097 mixed English & German) *, Copyright HYUNDAI HYTAB PRO 10IN TABLET - ONLINE ONLY. Manufacturing. Newberry College Wolves Basketball Short Sleeve T-Shirt. I think the currently accepted theory is that it was dug out over hundreds of years, hence it may have been carried out in small increments. Different groups disagree with Meldrum, but a staff review may find some interesting questions about the related geology and artifacts found in the US. Other authors you might look for are Gunnar Thompson,look up his story, Gloria Farley, Roger Jewell, Henriette Mertz, or any archeological book written before 1880. Im sure there are many exanples of trade between tribes across the continent. Around 1991 I came across two copper knives or spear heads from Germany. Yet the inscription is in Minoan. On the other hand, a fabricated modern object wouldnt suffer such processes, and then there would be no explanation for its rapid deterioration. Go to the optometrist first. Until those things are found, the theory is unsupported. Two follow-up points based on some further reading Ive been doing. Reviewed July 25, 2016 . Last night on The History Channel H2 series, America Unearthed, Scott Wolter investigates the Great Lakes copper heist. It was moved from one place to another in the back of a donkey, and it remained for more than 30 years in a barn, where nobody knows what kind of manipulation the tablet had to endure. In the ground the earth holds it together. The argument that the Minoans did not have the ships to navigate the rough Atlantic: Professor Cemal Pulak from Texas A & M Nautical Archeology says that the Minoan ships were not seaworthy for the Atlantic. changes. Then transport the copper back across the ocean, down the coast, into the Med, and back to Greece. Her reputation as a serial heretic also forced her to privately publish a volume on Atlantis[0399] following rejection by twenty publishers. I will be writing about some of that in my next blog. yr=d.getFullYear();if (yr!=2009)document.write(" "+yr); Hyundai. With select 5G Unlimited plans. Native Americans were using copper when we arrived. It certainly cannot be the former. Resources. The experts at the time could not recognize the writing and they deemed the tablet as a hoax. The vikings did in vessels not unlike the ones depicted on Minoan frescoes. Thanks so much for sharing your expertise on the rune stones. Newberry Tablet unearthed in the 1890's prior to discovery of the Minoan culture. The bible is your reference point for historical facts and truth? Price from $118.75 per night Check availability adoba hotel Naubinway Naubinway (Near Newberry) Open Memorial Day - Labor Day. Series: ME20200806-2. Therefore it would only be logical to conclude that the copper was mined by the Ojibway. soil. This would have been indisputable proof of a match between Minoan and American copper, so why was it not done? Me? According to Wikipedia, the oldest European example of high temperature copper making dates 7500 years ago. And as for the whole Jesus thing, um, why wouldnt you use the Bible, the main primary source for Jesuss life, as a source? No. Just saw a rerun of the America Unearthed Great Lakes Copper Heist and what a load of hooey! ( ). But all it proves is that small groups could migrate; it would not give support to the idea of bi-directional commerce. As the same scribe wrote the two differently, so Salgarella argues, that difference should be significant. Also, being ignored is how trade would have moved from Lake Superior to the east coast. A local historian also did a wonderful book on the subject. I thought the same thing. Copper mining started nearly 7,000 years ago. We believe that by making you an active participant in your healthcare, you can achieve better health. Well maybe someone else will. Newberry Tablet - Atlantipedia Newberry Tablet Mertz, Henriette Published October 18, 2009 Henriette Mertz (1898-1985) During World War II she worked as a code- breaker in the U.S. government's cryptography department, while later she became an American patent lawyer in Chicago. Learn more Get Delivery Estimate Update Buy this product in a Set View in Set Price by itself Price in a set You save The Newberry Tablet of Newberry, Michigan (Fig.6) is in a Cypriot/Cretan sylabary. You can answer me by email from the email button in the right column of the webpages. The Indians were not miners by all records. In my experience the proof element is used to support the conclusion, not the contrary unless using the prove ALL ELSE wrong, and the remainder must be true approach. The Minoans would have to sail across the Mediterranean, so theyd have to establish colonies in Italy, North Africa, and Spain, which there is to my knowlege no evidence of. All excavated materials have undergone some form of alteration How do you say Newbern? In his project, he reviewed the availability of copper in the Michigan area and the use of copper by this people. The North American natives may not have had swords but they did have some nasty clubs with a ball of hard wood or stone that could shatter a skull, collar bone, or forearm with one swing. Screen shot of pictures of the Newberry Tablet from 1898, via America Unearthed S01E03 on The History Channel 2 This artifact has a classic hoax origin story. As in most of these shows, he touches the surface of an issue but doesnt take each case to a solid conclusion. He is bringing out information that has been denied and destroyed by conventional archeology since 1880. Then, find their way to the Great Lakes, discover copper, establish another colony, and begin mining. I would be willing to explain why ships could reach lake superior. He was attacked by archeologists and others, none of whom knew how to translate ancient writing. So, if you use the shows math figures (10,000 people for 1,000 years mining 1.5 billion pounds of copper), I could easily say that only 3,500 native Americans a year, mining copper for 3,000 years, could easily mine the same amount. 01 Top. The Vikings were here a very short time and in small numbers, yet their camp has been found and their very limited artifacts uncovered. But as the context is very similar, it may be instead that the two signs were equivalent . The south margin of the caldera rim is just south (below) Big Obsidian flow. These turn out to be merely piles of rocks shaped like Minoan symbols. The fast deterioration of the tablet is just another sign (among many others) of its authenticity. Now that you note the cracks that exist when it is in the ground, the result of water, etc. Listing for: Samsung Electronics America. Found on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, it represented only one of thousands of inscribed artifacts recovered from mounds dotting the state from roughly 1890 to Read More copper culture, Henriette Mertz, Michigan Tablets, Newberry Tablet Earth God Earth Mother Earth Mother Culture Earth Mother Sacred Language Earthworks East Coast by Barry Fell. For this reason, archeologists and Back. Im surprised that they havent come up with a theory of space aliens coming down and removing the cooper! 140 small squares were cut into the stone. south american natives didnt see Cortezs sails because they had no such thing in their world. After all this process, it would be a big surprise if an untreated 19 by 26 inches tablet was still in one piece, since it was so old and had so much cracks on it. //

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