Before I can understand something, I have to be able to explain it to myself. In the case of love, the explanation had to be a story. That story was "Singot".
Category: Uncategorized
Productivity, the pandemic, and me
I’m thinking about how I can’t separate doing from being. You are what you do, not what you think. So what have I been doing? I’ve been trying to stick to the productivity routine I had before the pandemic. Thoughts on loneliness and productivity.
Best Apps for Surviving 2021 as a Writer
Having trouble writing while juggling the American pandemic experience? Give yourself up to the higher authority and power of apps. Make it easy to accomplish by setting good habits, and make it hard to fail by automating things that block things for you.
Year in Review: 2020
While it was not the year I hoped it would be (was it for anyone?), good stuff did happen. Writing goals, reflections, statistics.
2019 Year in Review
I was going to post this in January 2020. Then February. Then March. And then the months smeared together when the pandemic erased everything. 2019 was not a great year writing-wise. But you should see it, and I should own it. Lots of things happened this year. My part-time job turned into full-time, with all … Continue reading 2019 Year in Review
2018 Year in Review
This article was originally posted on It’s been a year. Quite a year. I won a local writing competition and received an honorable mention in another. I learned how to be a full time writer and build up knowledge around self-publishing, writing, editing, marketing, and blogging. I restarted my blog and have been keeping … Continue reading 2018 Year in Review
About the Author
E. C. Fuller grew up in Claremore, Oklahoma and graduated from the University of Chicago in 2016. She is the short story category winner of the 41st Annual Adult Creative Writing Contest hosted by the Tulsa City-County Library and received an honorable mention in the young adult novel category of the Oklahoma Writers’ Federation Annual … Continue reading About the Author