state province algeria

territories were in the north along the coast, while the military territories were in the Sahara region. Authorities also use summonses to notify and require the accused and the victim to attend a court proceeding or hearing. ), improved: urban: 98.3% of populationrural: 91.3% of populationtotal: 96.5% of populationunimproved: urban: 1.7% of populationrural: 8.7% of populationtotal: 3.5% of population (2020 est. G. & C. Merriam Co., Springfield, MA, 1957. Lawyers reported that authorities usually carried out procedures for warrants and summonses properly. The government said it did not take measures to specifically prevent and treat HIV/AIDS in the LGBTI community. Many organizations reported that they never received a deposit slip and that even with the receipt; it was difficult to conduct necessary administrative tasks without formal accreditation. 1845-04-24: By ordinance, Algeria was divided into three provinces. Algeria covers an area of 2,381,741 square kilometres (919,595 sq mi), making it the world's tenth largest nation by area, and the largest nation in Africa. With a population of 44 million, Algeria is the ninth-most populous country in Africa, and the 32nd-most populous country in the world. Furthermore, the government restricted union activities and the formation of independent unions in certain critical public services sectors, such as oil and gas and telecommunications. If workers face such conditions, they may renegotiate their contract or, failing that, resort to the courts. )wind: 0% of total installed capacity (2020 est. 1962-07-01: Algeria became independent from France. Intelligence services arrested journalist Said Chitour in June 2017 and accused him of sharing intelligence with a foreign power. The government did not grant UNHCR access to these reception centers but reported that by 2016 most Syrians no longer used the centers. ), household consumption: 42.7% (2017 est. The government acknowledged that some detention facilities were overcrowded but said it used alternatives to incarceration such as releasing prisoners with electronic bracelets, conditional release, and replacing prison terms with mandatory community service to reduce overcrowding. Thousands of Algerian peasants - mainly Berber men from the Kabylia region - faced with land dispossession and economic hardship under French rule migrated temporarily to France to work in manufacturing and mining during the first half of the 20th century. )-$16.954 billion (2019 est.). The International Trade Union Confederation reported that judicial persecution of trade union leaders had intensified. )expenditures: 70.2 billion (2017 est. Independent Monitoring: The government allowed the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and local human rights observers to visit prisons and detention centers. There were no reports that the government granted refugee status and asylum to new refugee applicants during the year. Many Algerians legally entered Tunisia without visas claiming to be tourists and then stayed as workers. Employment: The government does not formally allow refugee employment; however, many worked in the informal market and were at risk of labor exploitation due to their lack of legal status in the country. Since then, it has re-organized twice. Resources for Small Business Entrepreneurs in 2022. Amnesty International maintained an office and actively reported on human rights issues, but it did not receive official authorization to operate from the Ministry of Interior. The government generally cooperated with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organizations in providing protection and assistance to refugees, asylum seekers, and other persons of concern. The ministry has three to six months to review the text, with the absence of a response after that time constituting a rejection of the application. The governments National AIDS Committee met twice during the year. The population of the province, which has an area of 1,102 square kilometers, is 1,002,937 according to 2008 data. In the 2000s, a wave of educated Algerians went abroad seeking skilled jobs in a wider range of destinations, increasing their presence in North America and Spain. The DGSNs human rights office, created in July 2017, reported that it was leading seminars and workshops with the National Human Rights Council to provide additional human rights training to its officers. The Ministry of Culture reviewed the content of films before they could be shown, as well as books before importation. The law provides for criminal penalties of two to 10 years in prison for official corruption, but the government did not fully implement the law. The Ministry of National Solidarity, Family, and Women said 60 percent of the recipients of government microcredit loans for small businesses were women. 2018 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Algeria, An official website of the United States Government. Over the past three years, the government has enacted incremental increases in some taxes, resulting in modest increases in prices for gasoline, cigarettes, alcohol, and certain imported goods, but it has refrained from reducing subsidies, particularly for education, healthcare, and housing programs. )permanent pasture: 13.8% (2018 est. The government occasionally offered to mediate disputes. ), total subscriptions: 4,784,306 (2020 est. The NGOs reported harassment and threats of imprisonment by government authorities. arrondissement of Batna department. ), total: 0.59 liters of pure alcohol (2019 est. In September a group of military veterans organized a protest in Algiers, prompting a crackdown by authorities. A variety of domestic human rights groups operated with varying degrees of government restriction and cooperation. Note: total area has changed since Nongovernmental observers believed pretrial detainees comprised a significant portion of the total detainee and prisoner population but did not have specific statistics. Algeria is a multiparty republic whose president, the head of state, is elected by popular vote for a five-year term. The standard workweek was 40 hours, including one hour for lunch per day. The constitution provides for the right to a fair trial, but authorities did not always respect legal provisions that protect defendants rights. Few government buildings were accessible to persons with disabilities. Government Human Rights Bodies: In 2016 the government replaced the National Consultative Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (CNCPPDH) with the CNDH. )116.594 (2018 est. 1848-12-09: By French presidential decree, the civil territory in each province was elevated to a department of The government suspended six of 100 investigated security officers for abuse. the ANP has played a large role in the countrys politics since independence in 1962, including coups in 1965 and 1991; it was a key backer of BOUTEFLIKAs election in II, United Nations, New Other migrants, asylum seekers, and Malians and Syrians who had a special status with the government, relied largely on remittances from family, the support of local family and acquaintances, and assistance from the Algerian Red Crescent and international aid organizations. See the Department of StatesAnnual Report on International Parental Child Abductionat transferred from Sada to Oran. It reported the discovery of four minorsdown from 12 the year before. The government maintained two regional womens shelters and was building three additional shelters. There were reports that authorities held some detainees without access to their lawyers and reportedly abused them physically and mentally. These observers, among others, pointed to the law as a significant source of arbitrary arrests intended to suppress political activism. The law for the protection of the child criminalizes anyone who economically exploits a child with a penalty of one to three years imprisonment and a fine of DZD 50,000 to DZD 100,000 ($425 to $850); the punishment is doubled if the offender is a family member or guardian of the child. Internet users regularly exercised their right to free expression and association online, including through online forums, social media, and email. There was a census on The Ministry of Interior did not provide domestic or foreign observers with voter registration lists. The government restricted licenses to political parties, NGOs, and other groups to hold indoor rallies or delayed permission until the eve of the event, thereby impeding publicity and outreach efforts by organizers. After making a determination, the ministry notifies the customs service of the decision to allow or ban the importation of the publication. The judiciary was not always independent or impartial in civil matters and lacked independence in some human rights cases. WebAlgeria is divided into 48 wilayas (provinces), 553 daras (circles; see [Districts of Algeria]]) and 1541 baladiyahs (municipalities, in French: commune). Improvements: Authorities improved prison conditions to meet international standards. )126.777 (2020 est. 1974-06: Fifteen departments reorganized to form thirty-one. The new law also eliminated gender quotas in Parliament, and the June 2021 legislative elections saw female representation plummet. Opposition party leaders complained that the government did not provide timely authorizations to hold rallies or party congresses. There were several strikes launched in reaction to the governments refusal to extend official recognition to fledgling new unions and its practice of engaging only with the UGTA. Coercion in Population Control: There were no reports of coerced abortion or involuntary sterilization. [9] Encyclopdia Britannica World Atlas, 1957 edition. However, the French language has continued to occupy an Twelve new arrondissements created, making a total of 32. In 2016 the government established an anticybercrime agency charged with coordinating anticybercrime efforts and engaging in preventive surveillance of electronic communications in the interests of national security. )-5.1% (2020 est. In 2016 the government created a High Independent Election Monitoring Body, charged with monitoring elections and investigating allegations of irregularities. 1958-03-17: Sada department created by taking parts of Oran, Saoura, and Tiaret departments. The constitution provides for the right of association, but the government restricted this right. )industry: 39.3% (2017 est. The 130,000-member National Gendarmerie, which performs police functions outside of urban areas under the auspices of the Ministry of National Defense, and the approximately 218,000-member DGSN or national police, organized under the Ministry of Interior, share responsibility for maintaining law and order. Attempts by new unions to form federations or confederations suffered similar challenges. In January 2018 the government imposed an indefinite suspension on the importation of roughly 850 products, subject to periodic review. Ouled-Djellal arrondissement from Aumale department merged with Barika arrondissement of Stif department to become Barika Birth registration: The mother or father may transmit citizenship and nationality. Although the government did not renew the accreditation of LADDH, the organization had members countrywide, received independent funding, and was one of the most active independent human rights groups. The Tellian and Saharan Atlas Mountain ranges cross the country from east to west, dividing it into three zones. U.S. imports from Algeria grew from $4.7 billion in 2002 to $10.8 billion in 2005, primarily in oil and liquefied natural gas (LNG). ), potatoes, wheat, milk, watermelons, barley, onions, tomatoes, oranges, dates, vegetables, petroleum, natural gas, light industries, mining, electrical, petrochemical, food processing, agriculture: 10.8%industry: 30.9%services: 58.4% (2011 est. ), production: 87,853,976,000 cubic meters (2019 est. parts of Oum el Bouaghi and Tbessa; Mila formed from parts of Constantine, Jijel, Oum el Bouaghi, and Stif; Naama ), total: 19.72 deaths/1,000 live birthsmale: 21.77 deaths/1,000 live birthsfemale: 17.55 deaths/1,000 live births (2022 est. Arrested individuals reported that authorities held them for four to eight hours before releasing them without charges. the same name, with a status nominally equal to the departments of European France. The constitution provides for the protection of a persons honor and private life, including the privacy of home, communication, and correspondence. Coordinator for the Arctic Region; The government supported the countrys Network for the Defense of Childrens Rights (NADA). As time went by, the To found a union, an applicant must be Algerian by birth or have held Algerian nationality for 10 years. 1957-07-01: New department codes assigned to the thirteen departments. The law provides for collective bargaining by all unions, and the government permitted the exercise of this right for authorized unions. )note: data are in 2017 dollars, 7.23% (2021 est. Prison sentences for rape range from five to 10 years, and authorities generally enforced the law. Once registered, organizations must inform the government of their activities, funding sources, and personnel, including notification of personnel changes. The country joined the Human Rights Council in 2014 but continued to deny requests for visits from the UN special rapporteurs on extrajudicial executions (pending since 1998) and counterterrorism and human rights (pending since 2006), the UN Working Group on arbitrary detention (pending since 2009), and the UN Security Council Mali Panel of Experts on Sanctions (since 2016). President BOUTEFLIKA announced in fall 2017 that Algeria intends to develop its non-conventional energy resources. The appeal must be filed within three days of the order. The Ministry of National Solidarity, Family, and Women reported that it ran 238 centers throughout the country that provided support for persons with intellectual, auditory, vision, and physical disabilitiesdown from 242 the previous year. The law requires parties to ensure that at least 30 percent of the candidates on their electoral lists are women. With lower oil prices since 2014, Algerias foreign exchange reserves have declined by more than half and its oil stabilization fund has decreased from about $20 billion at the end of 2013 to about $7 billion in 2017, which is the statutory minimum. The National Human Rights Committee (CNDH) said the government had dedicated $12 million to ensure the human rights of migrants during repatriation operations (to include accommodation, food, clothing, health care, medicines, and transportation). Corruption: The criminal code stipulates that only the board of directors of the institution concerned may initiate charges related to theft, embezzlement, or loss of public and private funds against senior, public sector economic managers. Critics of the law asserted that by permitting only senior officials of state businesses to initiate investigations, the law protects high-level government corruption and promotes impunity. The law states that decisions reached in mediation are binding on both parties. Impunity for police and security officials remained a problem, but the government provided information on actions taken against officials accused of wrongdoing. )hydroelectricity: 0.1% of total installed capacity (2020 est. Recent Elections: Presidential elections took place in 2014, and voters re-elected President Bouteflika for a fourth term. )municipal solid waste recycled annually: 990,299 tons (2013 est. Deputy Secretaries of State; Deputy Secretary of State; Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy; Office of the U.S. In most cases, the NGOs continued to hold their meetings and police came to the hotels to end the gatherings. Religious and civil society leaders reported that the Jewish community faced unofficial, religion-based obstacles to government employment and administrative difficulties when working with government bureaucracy. Many persons with disabilities faced challenges in voting due to voting centers that lacked accessible features. The 89 organizations were given formal notices to abide by the law. Some terrorist groups remained active in the country, including al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and an ISIS affiliate, Jund al-Khilafah. Political Parties and Political Participation: The Ministry of Interior must approve political parties before they may operate legally. Striking requires a secret ballot of the whole workforce. WebThe province of Blida is located in the north of Algeria. The law requires the director of the publication to hold Algerian citizenship. translate the Arabic "baladiyah," but they're essentially the same thing.). President of the Constitutional Council Mourad Medelci announced voter participation in the elections was just under 51 percent, a sharp drop from the slightly more than 74 percent turnout during the previous presidential election in 2009. Touggourt. The government did not permit young men eligible for the draft who had not completed their military service to leave the country without special authorization. The law grants the government wide-ranging oversight of and influence in the day-to-day activities of civil society organizations. )percent of population: 63% (2020 est. The courts are empowered to dissolve unions that engage in illegal activities. In May 2017 Fekhar was sentenced to five years imprisonment but in July 2017 a court in Medea reduced that sentence to two years. departments and one territory. departments of France. The government said that it closed 11 facilities and opened one new facility to improve prison conditions in the last year but argued that they have alleviated overcrowding by increasing the use of minimum-security centers that permit prisoners to work and by using electronic monitoring. Police typically dispersed protesters shortly after a protest began and arrested and detained organizers for a few hours. )methane emissions: 49.94 megatons (2020 est. [1] Quid 1993, ditions Robert Laffont, Paris, 1992. After the most recent ), total dependency ratio: 58.5youth dependency ratio: 48.7elderly dependency ratio: 9.8potential support ratio: 10.2 (2021 est. The country was heavily colonized by the French in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Family connections and status of the parties involved influenced decisions. )note: data cover central government debt as well as debt issued by subnational entities and intra-governmental debt, -$4.608 billion (2021 est. The law also provides for the creation of independent unions, although the unions membership must account for at least 20 percent of an enterprises workforce. Sexual Exploitation of Children: The law prohibits solicitation for prostitution and stipulates prison sentences of between 10 and 20 years when the offense is committed against a minor under age 18. Northern Africa, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Morocco and Tunisia, total: 2,381,740 sq kmland: 2,381,740 sq kmwater: 0 sq km, slightly less than 3.5 times the size of Texas, total: 6,734 kmborder countries (6): Libya 989 km; Mali 1,359 km; Mauritania 460 km; Morocco 1,941 km; Niger 951 km; Tunisia 1,034 km, territorial sea: 12 nmcontiguous zone: 24 nmexclusive fishing zone: 32-52 nm, arid to semiarid; mild, wet winters with hot, dry summers along coast; drier with cold winters and hot summers on high plateau; sirocco is a hot, dust/sand-laden wind especially common in summer, mostly high plateau and desert; Atlas Mountains in the far north and Hoggar Mountains in the south; narrow, discontinuous coastal plain, highest point: Tahat 2,908 mlowest point: Chott Melrhir -40 mmean elevation: 800 m, petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, phosphates, uranium, lead, zinc, agricultural land: 17.4% (2018 est. The conclusions of the 2017 ILOs Committee on the Application of Standards recommended that the government accept an ILO direct contacts mission. Defendants have the right not to be compelled to testify or confess guilt, and they have the right to appeal. A bloody eight-year struggle culminated in Algerian independence in 1962. Arbitrary Deprivation of Life and other Unlawful or Politically Motivated Killings, c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, f. Arbitrary or Unlawful Interference with Privacy, Family, Home, or Correspondence. The constitution provides for freedom of internal movement, foreign travel, emigration, and repatriation, but the government restricted the exercise of this right. Algeria's primary political party, the National Liberation Front (FLN), was established in 1954 as part of the struggle for independence and has since largely dominated politics, though it is falling out of favor with the youth. Nevertheless, the law prohibits unions from associating with political parties and receiving funds from foreign sources. 1956-06-28: The three northern departments of 1955 were restored and given the status of igamies. The information collected is used to assist the government in developing targeted programs to support and protect women in vulnerable situations, including violence. Press outlets report taking extra caution before publishing articles critical of the government or government officials for fear of losing revenue from ANEP. In Algiers, prompting a crackdown by authorities to allow or ban the of. Webthe province of Blida is located in the Sahara region 40 hours, including the privacy home... Individuals reported that by 2016 most Syrians no longer used the centers reception centers but reported that authorities some. Territories were in the late 19th and early state province algeria centuries may renegotiate their contract or, failing that, to. 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state province algeria