paul and silas prayer points

I scatter all witchcraft meetings organized at 2am for my sake, in Jesus name. Lets not focus on Christian platitudes and these common phrases or Christian words that we say, but lets truly make it a part of our lives to make Gods word get into our heads, and into our hearts, so that when difficult times come, we can get it out there into the world. 9 hr ago. She was possessed not with the Holy Spirit, but rather with an evil spirit. This jailer was an enemy to Paul, paid to keep him captive, but Paul showed compassion and tenderness to him. Look at verse 25 with me: About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying. Dont skip over this. Find every single opportunity, every place that you can, to proclaim and share the good news. You see, knowledge is power. The jailer immediately knew who was responsible for the miraculous release and the fact that no one escaped. How are they able to trust in Gods promises if they didnt have the Bible? And I would say to you, Youre absolutely right. They did not have a physical Bible with them. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for PRAYER: HOW TO PRAY (UPDATED EDITION) By Classic R A Torrey Reprint *BRAND NEW* at the best online prices at eBay! Then he, the jailer, brought them out. The enemys mode of operation is usually to shoot their evil arrows while their victim is asleep. I encourage all of us to pray with Gods perspectives and desires, setting our minds above. They said, You know what, there are different avenues for us to explore here in prison. And no matter what situation you find yourself in, you can do the same. He now has eternal life with God in heaven, and he can call Jesus Christ his Lord, Savior, and treasure. . 26 Suddenly, there was a massive earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations. by Jesus Without Language. This brings us to the end of our writing on Paul and Silas Summary. But we sing at home, we sing at work, we sing when were in the carwe can sing in any situation because God is ultimately in control. 6. I withdraw my names from evil altar, in the name of Jesus. And everyone there rejoiced at the beautiful things that had happened in Philippi. When you live in sin, you are invoking terrible problems upon yourself! Music already had become an essential part of the anti-apartheid movement, tracing the history of the struggle for democracy and evolving in direct response to the changing political climate and conditions across the country. Paul Silas played his college basketball at Creighton, averaging 20.5 points and 21.6 rebounds in three seasons. God had to wait until midnight to execute judgment on Egypt: (Exodus 11:4-6) Then Moses said, Thus says the LORD: About MIDNIGHT I will go out into the midst of Egypt; and all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sits on his throne, even to the firstborn of the female servant who is behind the hand mill, and all the firstborn of the animals. 7). You are faithful to carry me forward for the rest of my days. 7 Days Midnight Prayers Against Eaters Of Flesh And Drinkers Of Blood. . Every network of dark power position at midnight to imprison me, catch fire, in Jesus name. Do you know that many people only take midnight prayers and stop half way? Silas was one of two men (Judas, also called Barsabbas, was the other) chosen by the apostles to accompany Barnabas and Paul on this outing. His reaction is one of repentance. In fact, the majority of Americans spend the most number of their waking hours at work. Every evil bird flying around because of my prayers, fall down and die, in Jesus name. God causes His kingdom to grow in the most unusual earthly circumstances. If you cannot stand up and pray at midnight to clear off the satanic arrows hiding in the cloud against your open heavens, then you will be working effortlessly without any results. From heaven, God, a light, gave the jailer life and changed them. If we do, we can have great impact in our societies and churches. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. Fire of Elijah, possess me by fire, in Jesus name, Any power assigned to kill me this year, you shall kill yourself, in Jesus name. As if this was not sufficient, Paul and Silas were thrown into jail with chains binding their hands and feet. Worth noting is that the public joined in the accusations against Paul and Silas before the Roman Officials. About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and sing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. Key Point Through the witness of Paul and Silas to the Philippian jailer and his family, the kingdom of God grew. Note, there are some Christians who are running up and down looking for prophets or visioners to pray for them, not knowing that the Key of solution to their problems is in their hands consistent MIDNIGHT PRAYER WARFARE wins it! The story of Paul and Silas in Prison too place at Philippi. In this account of Paul and Silas in prison, we see three ways to worship and witness in a worst-case scenario. I encourage you to find ways to incorporate this truth into your own life. . Here we are in prison, lets just get some rest. But instead, they said, No, we need to speak with God. The first thing that they did in a worst-case scenario is turn to God in prayer. I am also the social media officer at my church, FCBC Walnut. They were likely aching, tired, and scared. Paul and Silas in Prison Paul and Silas are imprisoned in the 16th chapter of Acts after Paul commands an evil spirit out of a slave girl that had been following them. Pauls imprisonments, all of his suffering, every door that opened, every door that God closedthey saw it as Gods hand over the situation. He had to fly twice the day that the terrorist plot was uncovered in Britain. 1.Prayer requires faith The woman in this passage was a slave both spiritually by the demons using her as a fortune teller and physically by her masters making a profit from her. Law: Satan and my sinful flesh do not want to hallow Gods name or let His kingdom come. CROSS e-book, Under: "Midnight Miracles in Philippi". My blood shall not be used as an exchanged in the kingdom of marine, in Jesus name. Do you also know that not many Christians have the full knowledge of the great power in midnight? Lord teach me to praise you no matter what I am facing. Paul and Silas were together by Gods providence, and he put them together so that they could fellowship together in that jail cell. Every wicked power using the period of the night to attack, backfire, in Jesus name, Every environmental witches against my prayers, receive fire, in Jesus name. He opened the doors to the cells, but no prisoner escaped. They were actually communing. Prayer associated with corporate worship (. All from witnessing Paul and Silas in jail, living faithful lives to God through their prayer and praise. The accusations were so heavy and convincing that the Roman Officials did not look any further. This prayer points will bring back life to your midnight prayers. The tares of backwardness, stagnation, failure at the edge of breakthrough, sickness, poverty, late marriage and others are suffering, confusion, mental attack etc. Paul and Silas showed to the prisoners that they have a living God, and they are true disciples of God and through that act, they won more souls to the Kingdom of God because the jailer and his whole family were converted and the prisoners too. But Paul called out in a loud voice, Dont harm yourself, because all of us are here!. Any wicked power on any evil altar against me, you shall not succeed tonight , in the name of Jesus. They took time right then and there to meet the man's need. I feel that Im coming from a place of privilege and I shouldnt be saying these things. 31So they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you will be savedyou and your household. 32Then they spoke the message of the Lord to him along with everyone in his house. Silas has died at the age of 79, a story first reported by Bob Ryan of the Boston Globe ( and since confirmed by others ). Please brethren, if you want to pray, pray very hard. Paul and Silas ended up in prison because they were being followed by a female slave possessed by a spirit. I am free from the bondage of hell. Blood sucking demon assigned to drink my blood, die by fire, in Jesus name. But the Lord turned it into an opportunity to expand His kingdom. This favor has not ceased. He took them the same hour of the night and washed their wounds. In this instance God moved through an earthquake. He was saved, very happy he trusted in God. Were going to see how they were able to sing in a worst-case scenario. Prayer is the seeking of God's greatest good, which will not come if we do not pray." (b). Acts 16:25 - 26, "And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. He tells them all they need is faith as small as a mustard seed and that is tiny! Paul and Silas were in the custom of visiting Jewish or Roman holy places and places of prayer in order to engage people with the Gospel of Jesus. She did this day after day, and at first, Paul allowed it to happen. Until the Almighty God is there in that battle, you cannot come out victorious. There was the desperate plight of manhis fear, helplessness, and insecurity. 1. FACT ABOUT THE POWER OF MIDNIGHT PRAYER WARFARE. But thats honestly how I felt during this time. Back to Paul in jail, when he focused on God through prayer and praise. By all outward indications, it was a bleak situation that looked hopeless for Paul and Silas. In April 2013, Music Beyond Borders reunited a group of former political prisoners from Robben Island to sing their songs of survival. (Ps: 119:62) While in prison, God visited and liberated them in a way beyond human understanding. 33He took them the same hour of the night and washed their wounds. For example, look at the activities of the witches and wizards. Right away he and all his family were baptized. Were going to speak, were going to proclaim the good news. So when the jailer asked them a question, Paul and Silas took that opportunity to respond. My focus. This upset her owners because they earned money by her fortune-telling. The word "listening" is a rare verb. You just have to be aware and open to them. Luke tells us that "at midnight Paul and Silas were praying [worshiping] and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them" (. I am the Social Media Manager at SOLA Network. In our effort to protect our intellectual properties, we may report your website, Youtube to Google without prior notice and your website or contents will be removed from Search Engines and you may receive a strike. Your Sunday school kids will love this kids ministry lesson on the singing missionaries Paul and Silas as they encounter a rather annoying woman and end up singing in prison, follows the story found in Acts. Many dangerous things are crawling, moving and flying at midnight hours. If you live in sins and you are binding the devil in the night, the devil will be laughing at you. That is why Satan and his cohort hate Christians that always pray in the night. The more I think about it, the more I see that I dont need God to do something out of the ordinary in order for me to sing and worship. The Bible says, Job 4:20, They are destroyed from morning to evening: they perish for ever without any regarding it.. It is the hour when enemies lay siege and render people defenseless. -Transform the lives around you by living a faithful life, Sometimes when we dont know where to start we can pray about prayer. God's act of freeing Paul and Silas at midnight when they were praying is an indication of power in midnight prayer. I lay my very being in your hands, in Jesus name! 27When the jailer woke up and saw the doors of the prison open, he drew his sword and was going to kill himself, since he thought the prisoners had escaped. Jesus had previously granted power for His disciples to cast out demons and here they failed. Due to Paul and Silas actions the other prisoners were free and the jailer had an amazing encounter. At midnight, Paul and Silas were singing hymns and praising God. I bless your name for my situation as unfavourable as they may currently be. DIVINE ADVICE FOR EVERY SERIOUS CHRISTIAN -. All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). When we look at another passage where Jesus disciples tried a similar thing and failed, Jesus told them why. Note, God values midnight prayers more than anything else. But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. -Have faith even if its as small as a mustard seed The 3 points are so relevant to our prayer lives: -Have faith even if its as small as a mustard seed, -Set your mind on Christ above not your situations, -Transform the lives around you by living a faithful life. Paul and Silas had songs given to them in the night time of their confinement, while the poor jailer was in agonies, and the magistrates who condemned were sadly troubled. When the jailer saw all the doors open, he assumed the prisoners had escaped. Find more resources and videos here. 25 Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. Sub: How to get to the other side of Midnight. Its midnight. And I can look at all of us, the church, and how God has saved us and chosen us to be a people for his own possession. Paul and Silas had witnessed to the inmates and the jailer by their prayers and hymns in the face of trials and their patience in the midst of persecution. They were in exactly the right city (Philippi), doing exactly what God called them to d preach the good news of Jesus Christ and confront the deeds (and demons) of darkness. Paul and Silas - Acts 16 - Kidmin Lesson & Bible Crafts. Tell me the devil that will come near such a person. Real soldier of Christ never get tired at taking midnight prayers. To be sure, most of us are not being thrown in jail right now. As you defiantly praise the Lord, may something in your life be shaken. Anything planted in the air of this environment because of me, scatter by fire, in Jesus name. And the faith from our hearts is materialized through the words and commands that we speak in the name of Jesus Christ. One clear divine sign is this; If you are on the bed sleeping and you are rolling around your bed unnecessary in the night, it could be a sign that God wants you to stand up and take some prayers. Paul, Silas, Timothy, and Luke would spend a number of days here before moving on. Note, if God should open your eyes to see the kind of evil activities going on in the midnight, I can assure you that you will not like to sleep too much any more. They were severely beaten, and then they were thrown into prison. In the same way, I encourage you, as worship leaders, to compose your own songs so your church community can sing them. We urge you to bookmark this site for more updates. The scriptures point out that with faith in God, men can move mountains and displace oceans. Whatever the case, we should always find time to learn about the great works of God as well as give him praise. When all the prisoners were set free, the jailer knew he was in trouble as he did not keep careful watch. Incredible insight. They were able to sing and pray in such a way where people, the jailer, were able to ask them, I know these guys are Christian. But Paul stopped him. Their backs were a lacerated, bloody, swollen mass of human flesh. Any pastors who does not master the art of praying at midnight hours, he should not be surprised that his ministry will receive mysterious attacks and die a natural death! I believe that when Paul and Silas were singing, they were holding on to the promises of God and the ultimate promise of salvation in Jesus Christ. When we look at another passage where Jesus disciples tried a similar thing and failed, Jesus told them why. This isn't just some throwaway phrase. 26Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the jail were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyones chains came loose. We ask that God help us live according to His Word and use us to extend His kingdom of grace. Ps 66:18. But when truly born again Christians begin to pray in the night, demons will not be able to operate in that area. God can bring a transition in your life as you pray at MIDNIGHT. Only you, my God! ). Once when we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a female slave who had a spirit by which she predicted the . Paul and Silas lifted up their hearts and voices in prayer to God when in dire circumstances. Read Acts 16:20-24. She was proclaiming the truth about them that they were servants of the Most High God sent to proclaim the way of salvation (16:17). When Daniel heard the news that anyone praying to any god or man other than the king would be sent into the lions den, he kept his trust in God and continued praying, staying focused on Him. Were going to talk. Paul and Silas had just been stripped, beaten with rods, imprisoned, and put in chains. Remember the harlot in Solomons time who lost her child by sleeping on it at MIDNIGHT and at MIDNIGHT she stole her friends child: No right is given without my recognition. They were on the way to the prayer place when they encountered a girl with an evil spirit. Paul and Silas told him that he needed to believe in Jesus Christ. He knew it was bigger than him. When I say situation, I mean whats currently happening right now, at this moment. (Acts 16:25-26) Elijah called on God and saw fire come down. Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a servant of God gifted in spiritual gifts of prayers and dream interpretations. Or the victim is killed out rightly. And this is more than enough reason to sing. 2. 1. . Most of us work and work for a lifetime. I think this is where we stop. No. The Bible says they should gather together all the Saints that are making this kind of sacrifice unto Him. So I want to give you several applications. He saw Jesus on the Damascus Road. All the days of this month and beyond, I shall be protected, in Jesus name. Please support us by disabling these ads blocker. So heres a question for you. Here the Lord is encouraging everyone of His children to wake up in the night and pray for their families, the youths and everyone. Upon meeting the Roman Officials, they reported that Paul and Silas were caught in the very act of planting disorder and trouble around the whole city. The disciples were God's instruments for proclaiming salvation. As a college player with Creighton, Silas was a three-time All-American basketball player from 1961 to 1964, and became one of five players in NCAA history to average more than 20 points (20.5 . MIDNIGHT is a time of great spiritual activity, both good and evil. Every power using my hour of rest to trouble me, roast by fire and by thunder, in Jesus name. When we are able to admit our weaknesses, we can exploit them for the glory of God, show how Christ is superior in and through our weaknesses, get rid of the idols of approval and affirmation, and we can see that we work best when we let God be the strength in our weaknesses. And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt; for there was not a house where there was not one dead.. 4. I shake off every arrow or bullet of the wicked, in the name of Jesus. Im sure they were hungry and tired while they were put in prison. Do you know better than what Paul and Silas knew? Twelve of the other 14 players on that list are Hall of Famers, including Kareem. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, Berean Standard Bible About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. We can worship and witness in any situation because God is sovereign over every circumstance. This illustration has a lot of spiritual lessons. Devil always loves Christians that sleeps and slumbers during battlefield. They didnt have this book. The tense (imperfect) of the verb singing subjects that Paul and Silas began singing in the past and they never stopped singing, even while locked in prison. We must arise and fight. To the contrary, prayer is a mighty weapon to help in the time of trial. Im also a Sunday school teacher and a music leader. They were connecting with God. Tuesday of the Sixth Week of Easter . Psalmist declares in Psalm 119:62: At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments.. So you see that God is not only in control over our present situation, but he is in control over all the things leading up to it, and for sure, he is in control, after everything that will go after it. 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paul and silas prayer points