difference between rule 2111 and rule 2330

No. [FINRA Rule 2214 replaced NASD IM-2210-6 (Requirements for the Use of Investment Analysis Tools)]. 6 Pub. The suitability rule generally requires broker-dealers to use reasonable diligence to seek to obtain and analyze the customer-specific factors listed in the rule. A3.6. No, the suitability rule does not require a firm to update all customer-account documentation. 34 See Notice to Members 04-89 (reminding firms that "recommending liquefying home equity to purchase securities may not be suitable for all investors and that [firms] should perform a careful analysis to determine whether liquefying home equity is a suitable strategy for an investor"). difference between rule 2111 and rule 2330 on Enero 16, 2021 Section 2 of the Order of the Supreme Court, dated Dec. 4, 1967, provided: "That the foregoing rules shall take effect on A risk-based approach also may lead a firm to pay particular attention to hold recommendations where, at the time the recommendation is made, a customer's account has a heavy concentration in a particular security or industry sector or the security or securities in question are inconsistent with the customer's investment profile.90 The same approach applies to other recommended strategies. When a broker is aware of a customer's overall portfolio (including investments held at other financial institutions), the broker is permitted to make recommendations based on the customer's overall portfolio as long as the customer is in agreement with such an approach. 108, 117, 2003 SEC LEXIS 338, at *15 (2003) (focusing, in part, on risks of using margin); James B. 20 FINRA notes that there are SEC and other FINRA rules that explicitly require specific types of documentation. 59328, 2009 SEC LEXIS 217, at *40 n.24 (Jan. 30, 2009) ("In interpreting the suitability rule, we have stated that a [broker's] 'recommendations must be consistent with his customer's best interests. Suitability The Rule Notices 2110. 21 For an expanded discussion of this issue, see [FAQ 3.4]. The significance of specific types of customer information generally will depend on the facts and circumstances of the particular case, including the nature and characteristics of the product or strategy at issue. No. A3.5. 40 See id. Reasonable-basis suitability has two main components: a broker must (1) perform reasonable diligence to understand the potential risks and rewards associated with a recommended security or strategy and (2) determine whether the recommendation is suitable for at least some investors based on that understanding. What if a customer refuses to provide certain customer-specific information? [Notice 11-25 (FAQ 4)]. Q3.9. 59125, 2008 SEC LEXIS 2843, at *7-10 (Dec. 19, 2008) (explaining why the debentures at issue presented a "high risk" for investors); Richard F. Kresge, Exchange Act Rel. Does a firm have to use the exact rule terminology when seeking to obtain customer-specific information? Those types of accounts 96 See also supra note [48] and discussion therein. 1996) (same); Robert L. Wallace, 53 S.E.C. In general, an associated person may rely on a firm's fair and balanced explanation of the potential risks and rewards of a product. Q4.3. If you A3.9. For example, the recommendation of a large-cap, value-oriented equity security generally would not require written documentation as to the recommendation. 29 FINRA also previously stated that a customer with multiple accounts at a single firm could have different investment profiles or investment-profile factors (e.g., objectives, time horizons, risk tolerance) for those different accounts. Importantly, while Reg BI, like Rule 2111, requires that a recommendation must be based on information reasonably known to the associated person (based on her reasonable 38 Firms also have asked whether the absence of a sell order in a discretionary account amounts to an implicit hold recommendation covered by the rule. Each firm has a general obligation to evidence compliance with applicable FINRA rules. In the context of a recommended investment strategy involving a security and an outside business activity, the broker-dealer's general understanding of the outside business activity would be based on the information and considerations required by FINRA Rule 3270.96. See also Notice to Members 04-30, at 341 (discussing broker-dealers' reasonable-basis obligations regarding bonds and bond funds); Notice to Members 03-71, at 767 ("[T]he reasonable-basis suitability analysis can only be undertaken when a [broker-dealer] understands the investment products it sells. denied, 2010 U.S. LEXIS 4340 (May 24, 2010). Accordingly, a broker may not use a portfolio approach to analyzing the suitability of specific recommendations when: Nothing in this guidance, moreover, relieves a firm from having to ensure that a customer's investment profile or factors within that profile accurately reflect the customer's decisions. Brokers cannot fulfill their suitability responsibilities to customers (including both their reasonable-basis and customer-specific obligations) when they fail to understand the securities and investment strategies they recommend. 49 Similarly, and as noted previously, the absence of a recommendation to sell would not amount to a hold recommendation subject to the rule. To the extent that a customer account at a broker-dealer can be discretionary under applicable federal securities laws, the suitability rule generally would not apply where a firm refrains from selling a security. [Notice 12-25 (FAQ 24)]. [Notice 12-25 (FAQ 11)]. Id. 61247, 2009 SEC LEXIS 4332, at *3-6 (Dec. 29, 2009) (discussing the risks of recommendations to certain municipalities to engage in a trading strategy involving buying and selling the same long-term, zero-coupon United States Treasury Bonds (also known as Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities or "STRIPS") within the same day or days using repurchase agreements (repos) to finance such purchases, which "significantly increased the risksas repos effectively allowed the accounts to borrow large amounts of money in order to hold larger positions of STRIPS"); Siegel, 2008 SEC LEXIS 2459, at *30-32 (holding that recommendations of a private placement were unsuitable where the offering documents contained "conflicting [and] confusing information" and there "was no other information on which a prospective investor could rely to make an investment decision"); Ronald Pellegrino, Exchange Act Rel. Rule 2330 requires a registered principal to review and determine whether to approve a customers application for a deferred variable annuity Notice to Members 04-89, at 3. See 77 Fed. The new Rule 2111 incorporates the general concepts previously contained in NASD IM-2310-3 and provides that firms and brokers now will be deemed to have satisfied FINRA has not approved or endorsed any third-party Institutional Suitability Certificates and has not contracted with any third-party vendor to create such certificates on FINRA's behalf. 306 (2012). 1985). Q9.1. 9 See FINRA Rule 0160(b)(4) (Definition of Customer). A turnover rate greater than six creates a presumption that the trading was excessive. Costello v. Oppenheimer & Co., 711 F.2d 1361, 1369 n.9 (7th Cir. Report a concern about FINRA at 888-700-0028, Securities Industry Essentials Exam (SIE), Financial Industry Networking Directory (FIND), www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/assetallocation.htm, SEC Division of Corporation Finance: Standard Industrial Classification. 513, 516-17, 1993 SEC LEXIS 1521, at *9-10 (1993) (same). [Notice 11-25 (FAQ 8)], A4.4. and the implementing regulations promulgated thereunder by the Department of the Treasury; SEA Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4; and FINRA Rules 2090 (Know Your Customer) and 4512 (Customer Account Information). Although a firm has a general obligation to evidence compliance with applicable FINRA rules, aside from the situation where a firm determines not to seek certain information (addressed in [FAQ 3.4] below),19 Rule 2111 does not include any explicit documentation requirements.20 The suitability rule allows firms to take a risk-based approach with respect to documenting suitability determinations. Regulatory Notice 11-02 and a recent SEC staff study on investment adviser and broker-dealer sales-practice obligations cite cases holding that brokers' recommendations must be consistent with their customers' "best interests. No. However, firms should understand that, to the degree that the basis for suitability is not evident from the recommendation itself, FINRA examination and enforcement concerns will rise with the lack of documentary evidence for the recommendation. See SEA Rule 17a-3(a)(17)(i)(D). When customer information is unavailable despite a firm's reasonable diligence, however, the firm must carefully consider whether it has a sufficient understanding of the customer to properly evaluate the suitability of the recommendation. Does the elimination of the general solicitation prohibition mean that broker-dealers no longer have suitability obligations regarding private placements? This standard recognizes that a supervisory system cannot guarantee firm-wide compliance with all laws and regulations. 655, 2000 SEC LEXIS 986 (2000) (holding that registered representative violated NASD Rules 2310 and 3040 where he recommended unsuitable securities that were sold away from the firm with which he was associated without providing his firm prior notice of such activities). Although a firm is not required to affirmatively ask customers if there is anything else it should know about them, the better practice is to attempt to gain as much relevant information as possible before making recommendations. FINRA previously stated that, although a firm has a general obligation to evidence compliance with applicable FINRA rules, the suitability rule does not include explicit documentation requirements, except in a situation where a firm determines not to seek certain customer information in the first place.85 The suitability rule applies to all recommendations of a security or securities or investment strategies involving a security or securities, but the extent to which a firm needs to document its suitability analysis depends on an assessment of the customer's investment profile and the complexity of the recommended security or investment strategy involving a security or securities (in terms of both its structure and potential performance) and/or the risks involved.86. [Notice 12-25 (FAQ 25)]. See also [Regulatory Notice 12-25, at 18 n.3]. However, please be aware that, in case of any misunderstanding, the rule language prevails. Finally, the rule provides a modified institutional-customer exemption. That includes requiring a reasonable belief that the customer has Does the firm have a duty, for example, to ask its customers if there is anything else it should know about them when collecting information for suitability purposes? Rule 2111 (a) requires that a broker-dealer have a reasonable basis to believe that a recommended transaction or investment strategy involving a security or securities is suitable for the customer, based on the information obtained through the reasonable diligence of Note: With this guidance, FINRA attempts to present information in a format that is easily understandable. Reasonable Basis Obligation This means the In many circumstances, the answer is yes. In addition, the term would capture an explicit recommendation to hold a security or securities or to continue to use an investment strategy involving a security or securities.44 The rule would apply, for example, when a registered representative meets (or otherwise communicates) with a customer during a quarterly or annual investment review and explicitly advises the customer not to sell any securities in or make any changes to the account or portfolio or to continue to use an investment strategy. A7.1. 1 See, e.g., Regulatory Notice 11-02, at 2-3 (discussing FINRA's guiding principles that firms and brokers should consider when determining whether a particular communication could be considered a "recommendation" for purposes of the suitability rule); Regulatory Notice 10-06, at 3-4 (providing guidance on recommendations made on blogs and social networking websites); Notice to Members 01-23 (announcing the guiding principles and providing examples of communications that likely do and do not constitute recommendations); Michael F. Siegel, Exchange Act Rel. 800, 805 n.11, 1996 SEC LEXIS 1331, at *12 n.11 (1996). Recently FINRA Rule 2111 went into effect regarding Suitability. In this regard, if a firm or associated person reasonably determines that certain factors do not require analysis with respect to a category of customers or accounts, then it could document the rationale for this decision in its procedures or elsewhere, rather than documenting the decision on a recommendation-by-recommendation or customer-by-customer basis. The issuers' identities and creditworthiness are important information in determining whether to purchase a debt security, but there may be other factors that affect the pricing and any decision to invest in specific debt securities. Pinchas, 54 S.E.C. As discussed above in the answer to [FAQ 4.7], Rule 2111.03 provides a safe harbor for firms' use of asset allocation models that are, among other things, based on "generally accepted investment theory." Rule 2111(b) replaces the previous rule's definition of "institutional customer" with the more common definition of "institutional account" in FINRA's "books and records" rule, Rule 4512(c).78 "Institutional account" means the account of a bank, savings and loan association, insurance company, registered investment company, registered investment adviser or any other person (whether a natural person, corporation, partnership, trust or otherwise) with total assets of at least $50 million.79 In regard to the "other person" category, the monetary threshold generally changed from at least $10 million invested in securities and/or under management used in the predecessor rule to at least $50 million in assets in the new rule.80 Moreover, the definition now includes natural persons who meet such criteria. FINRA cautioned, however, that a firm should evidence a customer's intent to use different investment profiles or factors for the different accounts. What are the conditions under which an implicit recommendation can trigger the suitability rule? In addition to the definitional change, the new institutional-customer exemption focuses on two factors: (1) whether a broker "has a reasonable basis to believe the institutional customer is capable of evaluating investment risks independently, both in general and with regard to particular transactions and investment strategies involving a security or securities" (a factor used in the predecessor rule), and (2) whether "the institutional customer affirmatively indicates that it is exercising independent judgment" (a new requirement).81 A broker-dealer fulfills its customer-specific suitability obligation if all of these conditions are satisfied.82. What customer-specific information a firm should seek to obtain from a customer in addition to the factors that the rule specifically lists will depend on the facts and circumstances of the particular case. [Notice 12-25 (FAQ 1)]. See Cody, 2011 SEC LEXIS 1862, at *49 & *55 (finding cost-to-equity ratio of 8.7 percent excessive); Thomas F. Bandyk, Exchange Act Rel. For purposes of the suitability rule, how should a firm document recommendations to hold in particular and recommendations of strategies more generally? [Notice 12-25 (FAQ 8)], A4.7. These (and many other) FINRA rules provide broad and significant protections to investors. If a firm's call center informs customers that they are permitted to continue to maintain their investments at the firm under such circumstances, would FINRA consider those communications to be "hold" recommendations triggering application of the new suitability rule? 496, 503, 2003 SEC LEXIS 1154, at *10-11 (2003) ("As we have frequently pointed out, a broker's recommendations must be consistent with his customer's best interests. FINRA and the SEC have recognized that certain actions constitute implicit recommendations that can trigger suitability obligations. Some of the cases in which FINRA and the SEC have found that brokers placed their interests ahead of their customers' interests involved cost-related issues. See, e.g., SEA Rule 17a-3(a)(17)(i)(A) (discussing "books and records" requirements for certain account information, including, among other things, date of birth, employment status, annual income, net worth and investment objectives, regarding an account with a natural person as a customer). See SEA Rule 17a-3(a)(17)(i)(B)(1). In general, however, when there is an indication that the institutional customer is not capable of analyzing, or does not intend to exercise independent judgment regarding, all of a broker-dealer's recommendations, the broker-dealer necessarily will have to be more specific in its approach to ensuring that it complies with the exemption. 10 See Notice to Members 04-72, at 846 ("The BD of record refers to the broker-dealer identified on a customer's account application for accounts held directly at a mutual fund or variable insurance product issuer. Once a broker-dealer identifies a recommended investment strategy involving both a security and a non-security investment, the broker-dealer's suitability obligations apply to the security component of the recommended strategy95 but its suitability analysis also must be informed by a general understanding of the non-security component of the recommended investment strategy. A broker-dealer's supervisory system must be reasonably designed to achieve compliance with applicable securities laws, regulations and FINRA rules.92 The reasonableness of a supervisory system will depend on the facts and circumstances. The new rule does not apply to implicit recommendations to hold. 35 For certain requirements related to day trading, see FINRA Rules 2130 and 2270. As described in greater detail in FAQ [4.7], there is a safe harbor for certain types of educational information and asset allocation models that otherwise could be considered investment strategies captured by the new rule. 66 The cost-to-equity ratio represents "the percentage of return on the customer's average net equity needed to pay broker-dealer commissions and other expenses." A broker whose motivation for recommending one product over another was to receive larger commissions. In interpreting FINRA's suitability rule, numerous cases explicitly state that "a broker's recommendations must be consistent with his customers' best interests. See SEA Rule 17a-3(a)(17)(i). Where, for example, a registered representative makes a recommendation to purchase a security to a potential investor, the suitability rule would apply to the recommendation if that individual executes the transaction through the broker-dealer with which the registered representative is associated or the broker-dealer receives or will receive, directly or indirectly, compensation as a result of the recommended transaction.15 In contrast, the suitability rule would not apply to the recommendation in the example above if the potential investor does not act on the recommendation or executes the recommended transaction away from the broker-dealer with which the registered representative is associated without the broker-dealer receiving compensation for the transaction.16, Q3.1. Should the investment experience of a guardian, custodian, trustee or similarly situated third party managing an account be taken into consideration when making account recommendations? Reg. Rule 2111 identifies the three main suitability obligations: reasonable basis, customer specific and quantitative suitability. In addition, documentation by itself does not cure an otherwise unsuitable recommendation. [Notice 12-25 (FAQ 3)], A1.2. See also [Regulatory Notice 11-25, at 9 n.6]. at 339-40 n.14, 1999 SEC LEXIS 1754, at *17 n.14. 80 Compare FINRA Rules 2111(b) and 4512(c) with NASD IM-2310-3. The Rule 2330 only applies to deferred variable annuities and recommended initial subaccount allocations, i.e., to purchases and exchanges of deferred variable . C05020055, 2007 NASD Discip. 8 When analyzing whether a particular communication could be viewed as a recommendation triggering application of the suitability rule, firms should consult the prior guidance cited supra at notes [1 and 2]. Q6.1. Does the suitability rule apply when a broker-dealer or registered representative makes a recommendation to a potential investor? For instance, some relatively liquid products can be complex and/or risky and therefore unsuitable for some customers. Firms should use a similar approach to analyzing whether particular recommendations are eligible for the Rule 2111.03 safe-harbor provision. 53 FINRA Rule 2111.03. In general, FINRA would not view those communications as "hold" recommendations for purposes of the rule because the firm's call center is not responding to the question of whether the customer should hold the securities, but rather whether the customer can continue to maintain them at the firm. Can you provide some examples of what would and would not be considered an "investment strategy" under the rule? The rule, moreover, identifies the three main suitability obligations: reasonable-basis, customer-specific, and quantitative suitability. LEXIS 15, at *9 (NBCC Mar. The suitability rule also would not apply to a firm's allocation recommendation regarding broad-based market sectors (e.g., agriculture, construction, finance, manufacturing, mining, retail, services, transportation and public utilities, and wholesale trade).54 Again, however, the recommendation must be based on an asset allocation model that meets the above criteria and cannot include recommendations of particular securities. 56 In Notice to Members 01-23, FINRA explained "that a portfolio analysis tool that merely generates a suggested mix of general classes of financial assets" would not, by itself, trigger a suitability obligation under NASD Rule 2310; however, the more a general class is narrowed (e.g., by providing a list of issuers that fit within the class), the more likely such a communication would be considered a "recommendation." Id. FINRA IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY REGULATORY AUTHORITY, INC. FINRA Amends Its Suitability, Non-Cash Compensation and Capital Acquisition Broker (CAB) Rules in Response to Regulation Best Interest, Sales Practice Obligations With Respect to Oil-Linked Exchange-Traded Products, Proposed Rule Change to FINRAs Suitability, Non-Cash Compensation and Capital Acquisition Broker (CAB) Rules in Response to Regulation Best Interest, FINRA operates the largest securities dispute resolution forum in the United States, To report on abuse or fraud in the industry. Quantitative suitability requires a broker who has actual or de facto control63 over a customer account to have a reasonable basis for believing that, in light of the customer's investment profile, a series of recommended transactions, even if suitable when viewed in isolation, are not excessive and unsuitable for the customer.64 Factors such as turnover rate,65 cost-to-equity ratio,66 and use of in-and-out trading67 in a customer's account may provide a basis for finding that the activity at issue was excessive. Reasonable Basis Obligation This means the See [FAQ 4.6]. A firm's analysis of whether the identification of a more limited universe of fixed-income securities constitutes a recommendation of particular securities may, depending on the facts and circumstances, differ from its assessment regarding equity securities. L. No. Does a firm have to update all customer-account documentation by the suitability rule's implementation date to capture the new "customer investment profile" factors (age, investment experience, time horizon, liquidity needs and risk tolerance) that were added to the existing list (other holdings, financial situation and needs, tax status and investment objectives)?17 [Notice 11-25 (FAQ 2)]. Although the reasonableness of the effort will depend on the facts and circumstances, asking a customer for the information ordinarily will suffice. An explicit recommendation to hold is tantamount to a "call to action" in the sense of a suggestion that the customer stay the course with the investment. For example, a firm should, among other things, clarify the customer's intent and, if necessary, reconcile and/or determine how it will handle the customer's differing investment objectives. 47 See Notice to Members 05-50, at 5 ("[R]ecommendations to liquidate or surrender a registered security such as a mutual fund, variable annuity, or variable life contract must be suitable, including where such liquidations or surrender[s] are for the purpose of funding the purchase of an unregistered [equity indexed annuity]."). As a general matter, these terms are to be understood commensurate with their meaning in financial analysis. [Notice 12-25 (FAQ 19)]. 94 In Notice to Members 99-45, FINRA said that the supervision rule "requires that a [firm's] supervisory system be reasonably designed to achieve compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Indeed, Supplementary Material .04 states that a member need not seek to obtain and analyze all of the factors if it "has a reasonable basis to believe, documented with specificity, that one or more of the factors are not relevant components of a customer's investment profile in light of the facts and circumstances of the particular case." , A4.7 Analysis Tools ) ], A4.7 rule generally requires broker-dealers to use reasonable diligence seek... Nbcc Mar not require written documentation as to the recommendation the reasonableness of the effort will depend on facts... Recommendations to hold 2111 ( b ) ( 17 ) ( b ) ( same ;... Understood commensurate with their meaning in financial Analysis a customer for the rule 1 ) 2111.03 safe-harbor provision the... Trading, see [ FAQ 3.4 ] registered representative makes a recommendation to a potential investor trigger obligations. Not guarantee firm-wide compliance with applicable FINRA rules 2111 ( b ) ( i ) ( i ) prohibition... 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difference between rule 2111 and rule 2330